

The symposiums are a way for team members to become more fluent when talking about their projects, and for all AguaClara students to learn about the work being done on the other sub-teams. The primary goal is to teach the class what you are doing and tie your work into what is being done with AguaClara.

During the mid-semester Monday night lecture, teams will be presenting about their project in a symposium type setting. Each team will give a presentation with interactive components to explain what they have done thus far this semester and their remaining goals as a team.

General Expectations:

  1. Need a Presentation tool
  2. Each team will make one presentation. It is up to you how would like to split up presentation time but each member of your team should talk for about the same amount of time.
  3. Your presentation should include...
  4. Keep your audience in mind
  5. Great visuals, less text
  6. Equations


Symposiums will be graded by your Research Advisor based on the Presentation Grading Rubric


The symposiums are meant to be fun and informative and will give Monroe and your team members a good idea of how well you understand and can communicate about the work you are doing. All team members must participate.

Whether this means arriving early or setting up your station the day before, please make sure that your station is set up prior to the beginning of class.

Your team will receive full credit for the presentation if all team members participate in speaking, good visuals are used to clearly convey the concepts your team is working with, you try to follow the suggestions posted on this page and you respect the time limits.

Wiki Organization

By 6PM on the day of symposiums, everyone should upload their symposium presentation to their wiki page under the Midterm tab. Please refer to the Wiki Guide (which is linked on the syllabus) on how to do this.