Okay, so I'm sure many of you know how frustrating it is when you type in a word that has a hyphen in it and Microsoft Word automatically splits it onto two lines. (Words such as e‑mail, t‑shirt – or the main reason I found this solution was for the word 4‑H).

So what can you do?

I suppose you could go in and use the Enter key to force Word to put everything together, but that's a nightmare for later editing.

So, instead of the usual hyphen, try Ctrl + Shift + Hyphen. With that, you'll find that the hyphenated word is treated as a single word and not split onto two different lines.

Voila. An easy way to control exactly what's going where in your documents!

Two other tricks:


Try them out!  
These tricks work in many other programs besides Word and can be a great time-saver when writing and formatting documents. 

Source: http://www.worldstart.com/the-incredible-non-breaking-hyphen/