As an artist I have always wanted to not just do art for the sake of it like most people do, I wanted to sell my art. Time and again, I hear peoples work being sold for millions, and I always thought why would someone buy a art for such a price, and who are the people who buy them. I honestly always thought of just going to a gallery or museum and coax them into exhibiting my work. But all these ideas and question have been changed and for the most part answered.

The art market is a world on its own that has its own governance and political plight. It is a world that involves people in high places and low places. In as much as it tries to appreciate art for all of its purpose, the art market is also a financial powerhouse that wants art for other reasons such as sustainability, prestige and power. Artists are just a minute part of the art market, even though they are the people whose actions have created this world, they tend to be in the bottom of the game for the most part. The audience are not to be forgotten when we talk about the art market, probably they are the driving force behind all of this. Without them there will be no creation of art, because art was made to be viewed, and the ideas, shared.

 With all that I have learned in this class the most important conclusion I have come to is that it is a game and one need to play it hard but patiently to be recognized. There are many bleeding areas that need to be fixed and with the right “art” attitude, it will be fixed.