William Hogarth (1697-1764)
The Rake's Progress: 2. The Rake's Levée 1734
Oil on canvas, 630 x 755 mm
Courtesy Sir John Soane's Museum, London

DAY 4: Today is Friday, January 6th, and we are studying the emergence of the art market in eighteenth century Britain through the

work of noted painter, illustrator and engraver, William Hogarth (1697-1764). Read about Hogarth's noted career and how he affected

copyright law in England as a way to ensure his stake in the market for his own works, especially engravings and prints of his noted

paintings, by preventing the work of would-be copyists from coming to market. In your response to the reading below – and the

'recommended' reading is highly recommended – be sure to include examples of how you understand the Hogarth Act, perhaps with

reference to some of Hogarth's most noted works, such as the Beggars Opera. Also consider how Hogarth's actions brought about a

discussion of fakes and forgeries and their affect on the art market. You may also consider this eighteenth century example in

relationship to contemporary examples of copyright law as they affect the work of artists and intellectual property and their marketability

and value today.


Ronald Paulson, Hogarth: Vol.II, High Art and Low, 1732-1750

ARTH 4696 FINLEY Patron and Public HOGARTH PAULSON.pdf

Recommended reading:

Robin Simon, Hogarth, France and British Art: the Rise of the Arts in 18th-century Britain

ARTH 4696 FINLEY Hogarth France British Art SIMON.pdf


Individual Contributions

Christina Chaplin

Dalanda Jalloh

Charles Saunders

One of the most important aspects in incentivizing the production of creative work is ensuring that the artist receives full compensation for the fruits of his labor. In short, there is no reason to spend time, money and effort in producing something that is valued to society (be it an invention, a work of art, or a brand name) if the producer can't be assured of just compensation. Copyright laws solve this problem by prohibiting something from reaching public domain until the creator is allowed to profit from his achievement for a specified period of time. It appears that this was a large issue in 18th century Britain. According to the account on the experiences of William Hogarth, piracy was rampant, with etchings, engravings, and prints being so cheap that mass reproduction of an artist's original work was cheap and profitable. Printsellers had a virtual monopoly on the art market, with no other channels existing that connected the artist and the consumer. Printsellers then were able to mass produce reproductions of the original work at no greater benefit to the artist. Other pirates exacerbated the problem, with cheaper knock-off prints flooding the market and hurting the profit margins of artists.

Hogarth experienced considerable personal loss from these factors, leading him to become one of the most vocal proponents for the installation of copyright laws for works of art. Because he worked in a wide variety of mediums and appealed to both the high and low audiences (his works ranged from royal portraits to paintings of condemned prisoners), Hogarth had access to a potentially giant market but experienced very little proportional financial remuneration due to the rampant piracy and printseller's monopolies. He first tried to mitigate this loss through openly advertised subscription services for Midnight Modern Conversation, an etching depicting a drinking house that was popular to its subject matter and the timing of the concurrent unpopular Excise Bill. The subscriptions did not eliminate instances of piracy, but represented an important first step in connecting the producer, Hogarth, directly to his target audience and eliminating the printseller middlemen completely. In this way Hogarth could capture all profit from the primary market and subscription purchases without having a substantial portion of his margins subtracted by the printsellers. Piracy was not lessened, however, and there appeared an infinite variety of copied etchings on everything "from snuffboxes to fan mounts."

Eventually Hogarth, fed up with the rampant piracy from his work Harlot's Progress, led the crusade for the Engraver's Act, nicknamed the "Hogarth Act," to appear before Parliament. This act sought to protect the artist's copyright for a period of fourteen years, guarding against the evils of copying, the evils of the printseller intermediary, and the artist's right to his property. An additional goal was to increase the quality of art in 18th century Britain, as the greater ensured return on produced art was hoped to create a stronger incentive for prospective artists to enter the market, and thus raise the overall quality of British art. This effect would have positive social benefit, as the public would have a greater variety of high-quality art to choose from, it would have positive economic benefit, as a greater supply of artists would increase competition among them, leading to higher quality art as artists competed against each other, and prices would ultimately fall. It would also have positive political benefit, as increased quality of art in Britain would increase the British cultural capital relative to other influential nations on the European continent. Needless to say, the act soon passed, with the final variation extending a copyright to fourteen years and charging a fine per instance of a copied product that was discovered. This act had lasting repercussions throughout the art market and helped legitimize art as a product that carried inherent economic value and was the private property of its creator.

Lipei Yu

H Hunt Bradley III

Daniel Chazen

The readings for today showed me an artist, William Hogarth, who was not willing to sit back and allow his work, especially engravings, to be pirated.  Almost 300 years ago, he realized something that I think is still true for many consumers – namely that "a copy is as good as the original" (Paulson, 36).  However, with the reproduction of artwork by printing and engraving having come into existence by the eighteenth century, it was going to present a problem for Hogarth in terms of making money from his work as England only had a law dealing with the copying of books, but not for artwork.  He realized that his method of "engraving-etching" could not limit the amount of impressions (Paulson, 6).

After he had completed his well-known paintings based on the 1728 play The Beggar's Opera, he went on to create some of his most important works, including Harlot's Progress, A Midnight Modern Conversation, and A Rake's Progress (Simon 2007).  But piracies of all kinds started to appear as early as 11 days after he completed A Midnight Modern Conversation.   If that was not bad enough, pirated copies of some of his other works were available before they were published (Simon, 2007).  Copies of his work were selling for a fraction of the original's price (Paulson, 36).  (There is also a possibility that one of the well-known paintings from the Beggar's Opera was not his as described by Simon).

He obviously was not happy about the piracy and even delayed the original publication of A Rake's Progress until a law could be passed to protect his work.  So in 1733, he created a subscription on terms and petitioned Parliament – which came to be known as the Engraver's Act, also known as Hogarth's Act.  He understood that he had the right to legal ownership and financial profit in his work, but he needed legal protection.  And given, for example, the piracy of his work, I understand why he was motivated to pursue the Act, especially given that "he made most of his money through the sale of engravings rather than original paintings" (Simon, 2007).

Interestingly, Hogarth never engraved The Beggar's Opera, by which which he probably could have made a lot of money given the popularity of the play.  Maybe he was concerned about offending people with the satire of the Italian Opera, or maybe he was afraid of piracy.  I can't figure it out.  Anyone have thoughts on this?    

What I found also very interesting is how Hogarth went about getting his Act passed.  He kind of campaigned like a modern day politician and basically brought about a discussion of fakes and forgeries and their affect on the art market.  He created a pamphlet describing the issue as the "oppressed artist against the monopolistic printsellers" (Paulson, 38).  He also said that the only way the arts could be improved in England is if artists got their just profits with "good" engravings, not "shabby copies" (Paulson 38).  He basically used the oppressed artist (which I'm not sure he was) and the issue of quality to get his Act passed; and it worked as the petition passed in 1734.   His Act is what likely laid the foundation for modern copyright laws that protect artists and their work from piracy.  Without copyright protection, it would be very hard for any artist to make a living or for the value of their work to be maintained.  I would even say that Hogarth's work in getting the Engraver's Act passed is more important today than it was in the eighteenth century.  Modern day machines are better at duplicating original and licensed print reproductions of artwork – sometimes to the point that forgeries are difficult to detect by even the experts.

Kwame Nana-Atoo

June Shin

The Engravers' Copyright Act is often referred to as the Hogarth's Act for William Hogarth's active involvement in its campaign. With the Progress of a Rake, he had first devised the subscription system to "...prevent the Publick being imposed upon by base Copies, before he can reap the reasonable Advantage of his own Performance..." However, the print sellers' exploitation of Hogarth's works continued, and their selling their copies at low prices damaged his sale of the originals, which, along with the low quality of these copies, led him to become the promoter of the enactment of Hogarth's Act. It was fundamentally an extension of the regulations of the Literary Act of 1709 to prints. It granted the copyright period of 14 years at first (Later, it was increased to 28 years at Hogarth's widow's appeal). I think that the petition to the Parliament was especially powerful because he brought up the matter of the overall quality of England's art as a whole. It argued that protecting the rights of the artists would lead them to produce more innovative works of higher quality and benefit not only them but also the buyers as well as print sellers. Hogarth deliberately postponed the publication of his long-awaited Rake's Progress print series to benefit from the Act, which took some time to be in effect. Once in effect, the Act reduced the number of instances of piracy, although it did not eliminate it. Hogarth had available smaller copies at a cheaper price for those who could not afford the original and allowed copies of his prints but only once authorized by him.

What I found interesting is Hogarth's definition of property being inclusive of the artist's control of the meaning of his work. He feared that the print sellers' evil doings were making it impossible for him to control the context, and thus the meaning, of his art. This notion seems to have faded over time. The works of modern and contemporary artists are deliberately ambiguous in meaning (even form). Controlling the meaning of their work does not concern these artists, as many celebrate ambiguity and flexibility of meaning as their works' essence. Thus, today's and the 18th century's definitions of property seem to be different.

Hogarth also brought about a discussion about fake and forgeries, as he denounced the forgers as well as the forgeries they produced as inferior to his own authentic work. The problem of authenticity in art is still present today. Modern and contemporary artists often appropriate objects or even other artists' works into theirs as their own. A notable example is Andy Warhol, who took the image of Campbell's soup can to use in his art. Most people would agree, however, that Warhol's works are his. But how much appropriation is too much appropriation? Consider Sherrie Levine, who is known for her reproductions of other artists' works of art. In one of her shows, she re-photographed Walker Evans' Depression Era photographs, re-named them, and claimed them as her own. Although Levine's intention in appropriating other people's works is one deeper than that of the forgers of Hogarth's works, both raise the question of artistic originality, authenticity and authorship. Thankfully for many artists and appalling for others, art copyright laws exist today to protect artists' copyright. It seems that what Hogarth's Act stipulated back in the 18th century persisted over time, as today's copyright law, just like Hogarth's Act, grants the artist ownership of his works and the exclusive right to their reproduction for certain amount of time.

Sherrie Levine, Untitled (After Walker Evans), 1980.

Walker Evans, Alabama Cotton Tenant Farmer Wife, 1936.

McKenzie Sullivan

The artist William Hogarth (1697-1764), was at the heart of London's eighteenth-century public life, and had intense opinions about it, which were expressed not only in his images but also in his legal lobbying.

According to the account on the experiences Hogarth's life, he very commercial in his approach to the sale of his prints, advertising them in the London papers and always looking for ways to maximize his returns. An essential part of securing these returns was the introduction of a copyright bill, which Hogarth devised in association with other young artists in 1735. At the time, piracy was rampant. Mass reproduction of an artist's original etchings, engravings and prints were cheap and profitable. Print sellers dominated the art market, as there were few other outlets for artists to sell their work. Print sellers began to mass-produce reproductions of the original work. Hogarth experienced personal loss from these factors, which led him to become one of the most vocal proponents for the inauguration of copyright laws for artworks.

In Hogarth's early work he was keen to idealize the social variety and exuberance that he saw as the best signs of British liberty; and he fought hard against the establishment of the Royal Academy of Art which would represent a state take-over of the existing public academies run by the artists themselves. Though he eventually secured a court position and painted official pictures of royal events, Hogarth remained always confident in the expression of his middle-class self. This is evident in his painting of Captain Thomas Coram (1740) who was a self-made sailor, entrepreneur and philanthropist who Hogarth depicted endearingly uncomfortable in the aristocratic settings of the painting thus poking fun at the upper class.

Hogarth was also passionately concerned with improvement of the poor. His works brought public attention to the plight of the poor in London. Two of Hogarth's most famous works, "Beer Street" and "Gin Lane", depict the satire of London life seen in Beer Street (wealthy young men drunken and pawing prostitutes), which is made to seem positively healthy and desirable in the light of the scourge of gin. These were years of turmoil in London, with large-scale immigration, mass poverty, high rates of violent crime, and, like many others of his day, Hogarth wondered how this underclass could become domesticated and made to serve the righteous interests of the nation.

The legal basis to Hogarth's success was the Copyright Act of 1735. Hogarth's mission was to defend the rights and property of British artists. He had decided to petition Parliament for an Act that would give designers and engravers the same statutory copyright that authors had won in 1709. Hogarth proposed a Bill that would give them an exclusive right to their work for fourteen years from the time of publication. This would not only mean that they retained the financial rewards now scammed by the print sellers, but it would also establish a different meaning of ownership of works of art; the engraver could legally 'own' the property produced by his labor. This meant that fine prints could retain their integrity and no longer be cheapened by poor copies.

Hogarth put forward his argument in an open letter to a Member of Parliament. He blamed print sellers, who capitalized on the labor of the poor engravers, working day and night at miserable prices. Hogarth was not thinking merely of himself but of the problems facing all engravers; the poorer workers who had no shop or studio to show their prints and had to be reliant on the unjust print sellers.

Hogarth's open letter made a case for the importance of copyright as a general good, not just an individual benefit. He argued that good-quality prints would raise the artists' reputations, and higher standards of reproduction. Hogarth also argued that copyright would improve the status of British art in general as more people would enter the engraving trade knowing they could profit from their art. This would create a large surge of artwork flooding into the market, providing a greater amount of work for the public to purchase and choose from. A booming art market would even benefit print sellers.

Although 'Hogarth's Act' did prove to have certain weaknesses, he not only stopped piracies but also improved British engraving. The final variation of the Act extended a copyright to fourteen years and charged a fine for every copied product that was discovered. The act had lasting repercussions throughout the art market and helped legitimize art as a product that was of economic value and was the private property of its creator.

 Links to Hogarth's Work:

"Captain Thomas Coram" (1740) <http://join2day.com/abc/H/hogarth/hogarth47.JPG>

"Beer Street" and "Gin Lane" (both 1751) <http://www.michaelfinney.co.uk/uploads/images/catalogue/1415_BeerStreet%26GinLane000001_1000.jpg>

Elena Cestero

Kelly Zona

Jacqueline Park


Tadd Phillips

Krystyne Wilson


Nicholas Kristov

Getting full and deserving credit for work is of major concern to artists of all mediums. Art is a difficult profession to make a living and the credit and reward (payment for pieces) should go, at least in part, to the original artist.  The Hogath act aimed to bring an artist version of the literary copyright act of 1708 to the physical art world.  In a pamphlet used to introduce the Hogarth act, the purpose of protecting works was stated,  " for when

everyone is secure of the Fruits of his own Labour, the Number of Artists will be every Day increasing." One aspect of the law is to help the artists gain credit and recognition for their work, however the other benefits society. If artists and creators feel that they will receive full credit for their work, they will produce more for the general public, not just for a few trusted buyers.  Hogarth had major issues with copies, often within two weeks of production of a piece there ware unauthorized copies and reproductions. This drove him to develop a subscription process, cutting out the middleman distributer and assuring people who bought into the subscription that the work done was both credible and original.  Part of the problem is that many of the works that Hogarth did were etchings. "Southwark Fair" (below)shows incredible attention to detail. However, etching prints are themselves copies of the original piece, and so unauthorized printing, or creating a copied etching plate can easily done.  
The Engraver's Act gives artists rights against unauthorized copies for a period of 14 years from the date of printing and a fine for every copy discovered. This ensures that copies are penalized and artists' original pieces are given full credit. This solves the problem however does not give artists specific rights after the protection period is over, either due to expiration or death. The issue for many artists is not only that there will be fake pieces floating out there, but that the next time the artist chooses to sell their work, the market will bring a worse price due to concerns of legitimacy and potential forgeries. The enactment of the Engraver's Act actually creates the Art Market as we know it. Without much worry that the Art many buy is a fake, collectors can accurately asses the price of pieces. 

To this day there are still problems with copyright law and intellectual property. Fake art is constantly discovered, and letters of authenticity are all that can prove to a buyer that the piece is legitimate and original. The most obvious example in the current market is music and the ease of people to copy work almost immediately. This pushes artists to release their work in new and inventive ways, rewarding loyal fans for actually giving them credit. However one interesting contrast to this is the movie and music industry which seems to have a stranglehold on copyrights even after the death of the artist or director/producers. While in some ways it gives the works' producers the rights to credit for their work, at a certain point it makes sense to limit the copyright period and make the art available for the general public.  

One question I have regarding copyright law is the use of sampling others' work to create new work. As I understand, work can be marketed as the artist's own, even if it incorporates other work, as long as there is a material change. Often in contemporary art, other's work is changed to make a statement, however no credit is given to the other artists. Should there be some credit for the original work if it gives inspiration?


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