Question: Where can I go to review the fundamentals of FRBR and test my knowledge of WEMI?

Answer: To the Cornell RDA wiki, of course!

The RDA training committee will post documents pertaining to each session so that catalogers may review the content.

I have posted my PowerPoint presentation on FRBR. You can see my notes at the bottom of each slide. In order to view the slides with the animations, such as the quiz slides where a circle pops up around the correct answer, click "Slide Show" at the top of the screen, and press the "Page Down" key to make the slides and animations advance.

I have also posted a "cheat sheet" supplying attributes of group 1 entities (WEMI) for books and videos relating to Blade runner and Do androids dream of electric sheep? Call numbers are provided, in case anyone wishes to look up the MARC records and observe how the WEMI attributes correspond with MARC fields and subfields.

Here is the wiki|x/CAekC\, and here is the wiki page with the above-mentioned documents|x/q5HBC\.