{include: ANSYS WB - Bike Crank - Panel}
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h1. Pre-Analysis & Start-up

h3. Hand Calculations

If we assume plane stress, we can treat this problem like a 2-dimensional loading problem. Click [here|^Crank PreAnalysis.pdf] to see the Pre-Analysis for the bike crank. Remember, it is always important to perform some sort of calculation before attempting a simulation; otherwise, you will not be able to judge the validity of your simulation.

h3. Open ANSYS Workbench

Now that we have completed the pre-calculations, we are ready to do a simulation in ANSYS Workbench! Open ANSYS Workbench by going to *Start > ANSYS > Workbench*. This will open the start up screen seen as seen below


To begin, we need to tell ANSYS what kind of simulation we are doing. If you look to the left of the start up window, you will see the Toolbox Window. Take a look through the different selections. The bicycle crank is a static structural simulation. Load the  {color:#990099}{*}{_}Static Structural{_}{*}{color} tool box by dragging and dropping it into the Project Schematic. 

!Start Up Screen 2.png!
Name the Project {{Bike Crank}} . 

h3. Material

Now we need to specify what type of material we are working with. Double click {color:#990099}{*}{_}Engineering Data{_}{*}{color} and it will take you to the Engineering Data Menus. 

!Engineering Data.png!

If you look under the _Outline of Schematic A2: Engineering Data_ Window, you will see that the default material is Structural Steel. The Problem Specification specifies the material's Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson ratio. To add a new material, click in an empty box labeled {color:#990099}{*}{_}Click here to add a new material{_}{*}{color} and give it a name. We will call our material {{Cornellium}}. On the left hand side of the screen in the _Toolbox_ window, expand {color:#990099}{*}{_}Linear Elastic{_}{*}{color} and double click  {color:#990099}{*}{_}Isotropic Elasticity{_}{*}{color} to specify E and {latex}$\nu${latex}. In the _Properties of Outline Row 4: Cornellium_ window, Set the Elastic Modulus units to {color:#990099}{*}{_}psi{_}{*}{color}, and set the magnitude as {{1E7}}, and set the Poisson Ratio to {{0.33}}.

Now that the Material has been specified, we are ready to import the geometry into ANSYS.

Continue to [Step 2: Geometry|ANSYS WB - Bike Crank - Geometry]
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