Author: John Singleton and Rajesh Bhaskaran

Problem Specification
1. Pre-Analysis & Start-Up
2. Geometry
3. Mesh
4. Setup (Physics)
5. Solution
6. Results
7. Verification and Validation

Under Construction!!

6. Results

Velocity Vectors

Results > Graphics and Animations > Vectors > Set Up...
Then click Display. The Scale was set to 2 in the plot below.

Stream Lines

Results > Graphics and Animations > Contours > Set Up...
Set Contours of to Velocity.. and set the box below to Stream Function. Make sure Filled is not selected and click Display. The plots below were created by setting levels to 40, deselecting Auto Range, setting Min (kg/s) to 31 and setting Max (kg/s) to 33.


Results > Graphics and Animations > Contours > Set Up...
Set Contours of to Velocity.. and set the box below to Vorticity Magnitude. Then click Display. The plot below was created by by setting levels to 60, deselecting Auto Range, setting Min (1/s) to 0.25 and setting Max (1/s) to 9.

Drag Coefficient

Reports > Result Reports > Forces > Setup
Then, click Print. The command pane will now display the following results: the pressure force, the viscous force, the total force, the pressure force coefficient, the viscous force coefficient and the drag force coefficient. As one can see from the following image link, FLUENT yields 2.04 for the value of the drag coefficient.

Go to Step 7: Verification & Validation

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