Friday 1/14/2011 in Mann 202A

Present: Camille Andrews, Joy Paulson, Matt Ryan, John Fereira, Gabriel Plaine

Absent: Angela Morse, Jim Morris-Knower


Updates and announcements

Ereader committee integration, mobile devices and Career Development workshop

Mobile Device Issues to consider/explore


Continuing issues to explore (longer term):

-Whiteboard research request

Elly Cramer is interested in collaborative whiteboard technology. Camille sent preliminary info gathered by team and she will check with ViVO team about more specific requirements and get back to us with details

Preliminary progress on recommendations for Bissett Space

-From last meeting's minutes ( By next meeting in January, do research on key problem areas for Bissett (noise (Matt), lighting (Jim), furniture (Angela), availability of laptop computers (Gabriel)) and for fully implementing mobile device circulation amongst staff (Camille) in order to make purchase recommendations for Bissett and mobile lending by early spring. Camille will also check into funding processes and available amounts. Research can be posted at

Jim has submitted information; Camille, Angela, Matt are in progress. Draft recs by Feb. 4 and discussion in Feb. 17th meeting

User studies

For our upcoming user studies to figure out what students need for collaborative work, Kathy Chiang suggested working with the Usability group (and contacting LIbrary Outside the Library). Camille will send the questions we need to answer to submit a study request and add discussion of this to the agenda for Feb. meeting. Camille will also contact LOL about their interest

Other business