h1. eBird Web Services - Version 1.1

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|| Data Source || Version || Status || Notes \\ ||
| eBird | 1.1 | deployed | enhances and supersedes [v1.0 API|eBird-1.0]  \\ |

h2. Endpoints

* *ebird.org/ws1.1*
This is the root of version 1.1. of eBird-specific web services.
** *ws1.1/data*
This path contains data services.
*** *[*ws1.1/data/obs/geo/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentNearbyObservations]*
returns recent nearby observations
*** *[*ws1.1/data/obs/geo_spp/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentNearbyObservationsOfASpecies]*
returns recent nearby observations of a species
*** *[*ws1.1/data/obs/hotspot/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentObservationsAtHotspots]*
returns recent observations at hotspots
*** *[*ws1.1/data/obs/hotspot_spp/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentObservationsOfASpeciesAtHotspots]*
returns recent observations of a species at hotspots
*** *[*ws1.1/data/obs/loc/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentObservationsAtLocations]*
returns recent observations at locations
*** *[*ws1.1/data/obs/loc_spp/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentObservationsOfASpeciesAtLocations]*
returns recent observations of a species at locations
*** *[*ws1.1/data/obs/region/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentObservationsInARegion]*
returns recent observations in a region
*** *[*ws1.1/data/obs/region_spp/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentObservationsOfASpeciesInARegion]*
returns recent observations of a species in a region
*** *[*ws1.1/data/notable/geo/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentNearbyNotableObservations]*
returns recent nearby notable observations
*** *[*ws1.1/data/notable/hotspot/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentNotableObservationsAtHotspots]*
returns recent notable observations at hotspots
*** *[*ws1.1/data/notable/loc/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentNotableObservationsAtLocations]*
returns recent notable observations at locations
*** *[*ws1.1/data/notable/region/recent*|eBird-1.1-RecentNotableObservationsInARegion]*
returns recent notable observations in a region
*** *[*ws1.1/data/nearest/geo_spp/recent*|eBird-1.1-NearestLocationsWithObservationsOfASpecies]*
returns nearest locations with observations of a species
** *ws1.1/product*
This path contains products consisting of aggregated raw data.
*** [*ws1.1/product/obs/hotspot/recent*|eBird-1.1-HotspotSightingsSummary]
This service provides a summary of recent sightings for birding hotspots.
** *ws1.1/ref*
This path contains supporting lookup services for the /data and /product services
*** [*ws1.1/ref/taxa*|eBird-1.1-SpeciesReference]
returns species in the ebird taxonomy
*** [*ws1.1/ref/hotspot/region*|eBird-1.1-HotspotReference]
provides a list of eBird hotspots for a given region, optionally filtered to those with recent data
*** [*ws1.1/ref/hotspot/geo*|eBird-1.1-HotspotGeoReference]
provides a list of nearby eBird hotspots, optionally filtered to those with recent data
** *ebird.org/wstools1.1*
This is location of gadget code and demo pages.
** *ebird.org/tools/google*
This is location of original gadget code and demo pages.
*** *ebird.org/tools/google/notable-birds.xml*
This is location of gadget code for notable birds by state within the US.
*** *ebird.org/tools/google/notable-birds-canada.xml*
This is location of gadget code for notable birds by province/territory within the Canada
** *ebird.org/wsresource1.1*
This is the root of the static resources that version 1.1 of the web services require.
** *wsresource1.1/images*
** *wsresource1.1/css*
** *wsresource1.1/js*

h3. Making Sense of Endpoint URLs

There is a rational behind the URLs we use for endpoints. [Find out what they mean|eBird-1.1-URIPatterns].