h1. eBird Web Services - Version 1.0

|| Data Source || Version || Status ||
| eBird | 1.0 | DEPRECATED; will be RETIRED and become unavailable July 1, 2010  |

h2. Endpoints

* *ebird.org/ws1.0*
This is the root of eBird-specific web services. There is *no* duplication of services between this URL and the [AKN web services|AKNAPIs].
** *ws1.0/data*
This path contains raw data services.
*** *[*ws1.0/data/notable/recent*|eBird-1.0-NotableSightings]*
This data service provides notable sightings (rare & unusual) on a state or country basis.
*** *[*ws1.0/data/hotspot/list*|eBird-1.0-HotSpot]*
This data service provides list of eBird hotspots on a state or country basis.
** *ws1.0/product*
This path contains products consisting aggregated raw data.
*** [*ws1.0/product/byloc/recent*|eBird-1.0-RecentByLoc]
This data service provides a summary of recent sightings for up to three hotspot locIDs.
* *ebird.org/wstools1.0*
This is location of gadget code and demo pages.
* *ebird.org/wsresource1.0*
This is the root of the static resources that version 1.0 of the web services require.
** *wsresource1.0/images*
** *wsresource1.0/css*
** *wsresource1.0/js*
