Anyone can create an entry in the product backlog, backlog items are prioritized by the Product Owner. Minimum requirements to create a backlog item are the User Story and Acceptance Criteria.



|| Date || Priority || Ticket \\ || User Story \\ || Acceptance Criteria \\ || Dependencies \\ || Estimate \\ || Schedule \\ ||
| 7/26/2011 | | [UPORTALUPG-324|]\\ | As a portal administrator, I want to set the default city in the My Weather portlet to Ithaca. \\ | When a user adds My Weather, the default city is Ithaca and the user can modify from there. \\ | | | |
| 7/26/2011 \\ | | | As a content provider, I would like to allow users to subscribe to a pre-populated tab. \\
\\ | When adding content, users will have the option of subscribing to pre-populated tabs they are authorized for. \\ | This will require the "pulled fragment" patch or upgrading to uPortal 4 \\ | | |
| 7/26/2011 | | [UPORTALUPG-305|]\\ | As a user of Internet Explorer, I'd like to not get the "mixed content" warning without having to change security settings within the browser. \\ | Internet Explorer (8+) users will not get the mixed ssl/non-ssl content warning with default browser security settings. \\ | The documented solution is in the linked Jira item. | | |{excerpt}
| 7/26/2011 \\ | | [UPORTALUPG-301|]\\ | As a contrent provider, University Communications would like to use the NewsReaderPortlet on the Guest layout. this requires a AuthN change described in the Jira. \\ | NewsReaderPortlet feeds will display when there is no CUWA token in the browser. \\ | | | |
| 07/22/2011 | | | Skin changes - what to change it to? \\
\- Update to production emergency banner url \\
\- Add "Submit Announcement" link for authenticated users \\
\- incorporate Google anayltics as described [here |]\\ | | | | |
| 07/22/2011 | | | Mobile apps - publish via portal and smart phone  \\
HTML5 (multi-platform) | | | | |
| 07/22/2011 | | | Open Access \\
\- public interface \\
\- authenticate when when restriction is needed \\
\- non-Cornellians can authenticate | | | | |
| 07/22/2011 \\ | | | Editable LaunchPad - As an end user, I want to be able to hide links I never use in a portlet by going into Edit mode.  I don't know what more information you need on this one (ALM). \\ | | | | |
| 07/21/2011 | | | Use the "Status of Service" portlet, but add a way to categorize them based on customer interest. Example, Faculty would like to see the "Status of SErvice" that relate to them. | | | | |
| 07/21/2011 | | | Campus EAI widget  \\
\- can we buy any of their portlets? \\ | | | | |
| 07/21/2011 | | | New content - facebook (JA-SIG) \\ | | | | |
| 10/4/2011 | | | Modify NewsReader portlet to display date of article next to title \\ | | | | |
| 10/26/11\\ | | | Additional style sheets for NewsReader Portlet\\
 What you're doing now with the recent stories feed is OK, but if we add thumbnails we'd want the text to wrap, not have the images on separate lines as they are now on the sports portlet. Karen, who is a designer at heart, also said she wants to see a little more space between items.\\ \\
See our category pages like this one:\\ \\
[|]\\ \\
Or the way Engineering displays our feed to them:\\ \\
[|]\\ | | | | |
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