Process Controller Software

Background Information

What is Process Controller?

Process control software allows the user to automate data collection and to control many parts of the experimental apparatus.

Process control software allows AguaClara research teams to focus on experimental design and data analysis. Process control software can control the speed of peristaltic pumps, regulate flow through solenoid valves, and measure water quality parameters such as temperature, pressure, and dissolved oxygen.

Automated data acquisition is a powerful tool. The resulting data can be analyzed with Excel, MathCAD, or other data analysis software.

More detailed information can be found in a paper published by Monroe Weber-Shirk "An Automated Method for Testing Process Parameters."

Where to find Process Controller?

Process Controller is located in the Runtimes folder on the computer's desktop. If it isn't there, you can download it.

Troubleshooting in Process Controller

General troubleshooting includes help on troubleshooting data logging failures, communication with stamp box failures. The link is here.

More specific troubleshooting for help on method files can be found here.


Before you use Process Controller for your next experiment, learn the program through various tutorials and exercises. Some of these exercises will be utilized in conjunction with a sample system that meters chemical into a tank and drains. The set-up of the sample experimental apparatus is found in the Auto Tutorial for Basics of Laboratory Research and Experimental Design.

Hardware Details