Data Processor

Originally, our experimental data was analyzed in Excel, however this process is very tedious and produced messy results with many outlying data points that were distracting from the actual results. In order to simplify our experimental analysis procedure, a MathCAD file was created. This program opens the datalogs and statelogs of specified dates and combines them into one file. This program will then selected the relevant data using the stateID of the statelog- which corresponds to the specific state of the experiment that need to be analyzed. The program then averages data points to smooth the data curve and plots pC* vs time or flow rate and effluent and influent turbidities versus flow rate or time. The program still requires the user to input dates, relevant stateIDs and whether the plots are a function of time or flow rate, but it is much more user friendly than the previous Excel data processing and streamlines our analysis process.

An example of the data analysis for one of our experiments: Example of Data Processor