Dear CUL,

Are you looking for an opportunity to assist your colleagues make the most of their CUL careers? Would you like to help newly-hired staff to feel welcomed and informed? How about connecting librarians in the promotion process with experienced staff to guide them? Well, you're in luck! The Career Development Commitee is seeking volunteers to serve on the newly-revamped Mentoring Committee.

The CUL mentorship programs mission is to facilitate the development of high-quality, high-impact mentoring programs that address the most critical challenges facing library workers in an innovative combination of partnership and ongoing support.

The committee will be responsible for:

Members shall serve for 1 or 2 year terms. This committee is being recreated as a subcommittee of the CDC, with a new charge to be more inclusive to all staff, so the first few months will involve a fair amount of structuring and organizing.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, please send an email stating your interest in serving on the committee to _______.

Thank you,

The CDC...