h1. Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Information Science - APIs

This site contains documentation and examples for [Cornell Lab of Ornithology Information Science|http://www.birds.cornell.edu/is/] public web service APIs.

h2. News


h2. Data Sources

Web service APIs are available for two major data sources, [eBird|http://ebird.org] and [Avian Knowledge Network (AKN)|http://www.avianknowledge.net]. By using any of these APIs you agree to the relevant terms of use.

h3. *[*eBird*|eBirdAPIs]*

* [eBird version 0.9|eBird-0.9] --- DEPRECATED
* [eBird version 1.0|eBird-1.0] --- DEPRECATED
* [eBird version 1.1|eBird-1.1] --- PRODUCTION
* [Terms of Use for all versions of eBird APIs|eBird API Terms of Use] --- Simply stated noncommercial use of these APIs is free and open; commercial use requires a written agreement. See [terms of use|eBird API Terms of Use] for complete details.

h3. *[*Avian Knowledge Network*|AKNAPIs]*

* [AKN version 1.0|AKN-1.0] --- PRODUCTION
* There are currently no published terms of use for AKN APIs.

h2. Versions

Each API is versioned. Each version will have one of the following statuses:
* development - proposed functionality; not completely implemented or implemented only experimentally
* production - stable version
* deprecated - stable version but will be retired at some point in the future
* retired - version is retired and no longer available