h2. AguaClara Mission Statement 

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[!Marcala inauguration.JPG|width=300px!|Marcala photos]

*AguaClara is* a project in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University that is improving drinking water quality through innovative [research|research], knowledge transfer, [open source engineering] and [design|design] of sustainable, replicable water treatment systems.

The AguaClara project provides students an opportunity to carry on [Ezra Cornell's vision|http://www.engineering.cornell.edu/explore/tradition-of-innovation/index.cfm]: his sense of invention, his focus on the future, his belief in hands-on learning, his dream of a well-rounded education available to anyone.

h4. Read more about the [concept|concept paper] behind the project and its [sustainability|about AguaClara]

h4. Learn more about the [AguaClara technology|Technology Overview]

h2. Current Goals
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We have set our goals to raising $45,000 dollars for a facility for the community of [Agalteca]. For less than $20 per person served, this community can gain access to safe water.  We ask that you now consider helping the people of Agalteca, and that you continue to invest in innovation.

[Why donate?]  Our work is only possible through the generous contributions of our sponsors. We require continuous funding to develop the most efficient and cost effective drinking water treatment plants. Our implementation [partners] also need support to build these plants.  If you are interested in becoming a supporter there are multiple options for [making a donation|donate].


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[!Ojojona photos^0015_08_097.jpg|width=300px!|Ojojona photos]

*QUESTIONS?* Contact the project director:
[Monroe Weber-Shirk|mailto:mw24@cornell.edu] (Cornell University) 
Phone: (607) 255-8445
Skype monroeweber-shirk

^Please join us on Facebook and LinkedIN to show your support, group name: AguaClara.  Our [GoogleGroup|http://groups.google.com/group/CUAguaClara] is also open to the public for anyone interested in receiving occasional team updates and [newsletters| newsletters]^

[!http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/3.0/us/88x31.png!|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/] The work on the AguaClara wiki is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/]