This is Tux, the mascot for the Linux kernel

Welcome! This is C2S2's Linux tutorial. If you are working on the server or with chip design tools (a fair portion of the team), you should be familiar with Linux - hopefully this tutorial will help bring you up to speed! Book 1 should cover all the basics that you need to get going, whereas Book 2 is is used for advanced commands.

Many of these commands may additionally work on your local system, especially if you are using a Mac product. However, we will assume that you are working on the C2S2 server, a Linux environment where these commands are known to work

Book 1: Coming Out of Your Shell

Book 2: Confronting Your Daemons


  • Transferring Files To and From the Server
  • Command-line History
  • Modules
  • Linux Command Index
  • No labels