TSI JSMIN To do items – Thee are a few items assigned to one of us that Jim would like some final statements made on before the 12/10 JSMIN meeting:

  • Create a place where we can compile the status of and issues surrounding potential joint e-resource purchases
  • Work with Jesse (and Collection Development) on guidelines for negotiating with vendors on packages
  • Step up work on e-resources trouble shooting and possible other shared workflows for e-resource management
  • Share what Christina did on the Dashboard–perhaps work jointly to put it into production. (It already has Cornell/Columbia Callisto data)
  • Work together on planning for the next ILS

Mellon Grant Report info – I finally sorted the thoughts we got down last month into some specific points to send on to Jim and Kate.  Please check this out and be ready with any criticisms, comments, or additional ideas.  I hope to be able to send it on to them soon after our meeting.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HnC7DWga05iLPy3COIx61f6GXqbwQWWXLXghkFVe6hQ/edit

Remaining 2015 calls – suggestions for topics for 12/16.  Should we cancel 12/23? - YES!

Anything else? 

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