Points of Harmony

  • Similar process/procedures
  • Common systems - Serials Solutions (360 Link, Summon, MARC updates service), Voyager (almost same version), EZ-Proxy.

Points of Discord

  • How reports come in.  Source of reports.
  • Content of typical initial reports - Columbia gets permissions, Cornell does not. 
  • Access to information: permits/permissions, EZ Proxy updates,
  • Different systems - III-ERM/Serials Solutions Resource Manager, 
  • What information is recorded where? - Payments? One-line vs. Package? What titles?  License information? User permissions?

Possible solutions

  • EZ-Proxy and permission tools for in-house configuration and updating.
  • Similar documentation organization - Cornell will try to emulate
    Columbia's troubleshooting dashboard pages - Get Sally Lockwood access to Columbia wiki.
    • Next step - combine into single wiki page

To Do:

  • Post work to wiki - staffing write-ups, link to systems used Google doc
  • Expand on any Points of Harmony or Discord and solutions
  • Cornell get Browserstack - (Jesse has started the process)
  • No labels