3:45 pm - 4:45 pm
405 Turn Your Test Team Into a High-Performance Organization - By Michael Hackett

Want a road map to quality? Everyone, all development managers, test managers and their organizations are looking for ways to improve quality. Quality improvement can come in many forms: reducing risks by delivering higher and predictable quality product; optimizing time-to-market; increasing productivity; and building a more manageable organization. Some managers look for quality improvement by attempting to implement a more standard or formal process. This sounds good, but how do you get there? In this class, you'll learn how to evaluate your test process and strategy, create a culture for change, implement change, and use effective methods for measuring improvement.

Michael Hackett


The process will be doomed if:

  • no executive sponsorship
  • no measurement program built
  • no tools to support change
  • risk averse culture
  • the exercise is an effort to blame testing for project-wide failures
  • no commitment about the goal of testing
  • no understanding of testing or quality assurance across product team
  • lack of responsibility for quality
My thoughts on the class.

This class really rocked. I didn't add enough information here about Michael Hackett to do him justice. Really insightful, great content, I think this is one I'd like to review with the xDiv testing team if possible.

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