Identifiers Inventory:
- arxiv (see PID Inventory - arXiv notes)
- cugir "bucket" id (unique combination of geospatial area, content, and format)
- digital collection registry: oai-pmh identifier are local (e.g. Cornell:24 )
- dpubs (incl. euclid) / doi et al
- ecommons / handles (e.g.
- isbn (where cul is publisher)
- lsdi / handles (e.g. is sample which resolves to google query)
- purl resolver (for proxied and unproxied e-resources with urls in the cul catalog, purl style but full URL tied to local resolver e.g.
- vivo individual URI (working to make directly actionable and do content negotiation), also supports Cornell netId for people
- voyager bib id
- voyager holdings id
- voyager item id
- voyager barcode no.
- worldcat local (e.g. where numeric is oclc no.)
Systems to rule in or out:
- erms
- dlxs
- glopad
- kmoddl
- luna insight
- greenstone (mann proceedings?)
- confluence (for tf reports etc. of some lasting value--or should those be deposited elsewhere?)
- usda(has IDs for a document series, not an individual document)
- vet media archive