Jenkins URL:
Username and password: same as given in login secrets on Slack.
* Tutorial: Generic Webhook Trigger | Pipeline Syntax (
ArgoCD: Available on K8S. Login to K8S and port-forward the pod to access the service.
ArgoCD username: admin, password: D0N@t4get!
ArgoCD username: diaper, password: Arg0-d1aper-p4w0d (no admin access)
* Tutorial: Argo CD - Declarative GitOps CD for Kubernetes
Nexus: Available on K8S. Login to K8S and port-forward the pod to access the service.
nexus username: admin, password: D0N@t4get!
nexus username: k8s, password: n3xus-d1aper-p4w0d (For K8S use only)
nexus username: jenkins, password: n3xus-d1aper-p4w0d (For Jenkins use only)
<Individual accounts are also available.>
* Tutorial: Sonatype Nexus Repository Tutorial