All lists emails end in
Lists are moderated
- Messages to the list from members and non-members are moderated. (There is one "HR" list that needs a setting change to make this true!)
Key to columns
- Admin: Add/remove means you can access the Administrative Web Interface and see users and change membership, including add/ remove.
- Admin: Settings means you can access the Administrative Web Interface and make setting changes and help trace problems.
- Bypass (keep term or replace?) means email sent from that people immediate goes to the list members.
- Receive is only noted for exceptions to the general population of the list.
Lyris list / user | Admin: Add/remove | Admin: Settings | Message approval sent by others | Send message without moderation | Receive | Notes on moderation |
chemfac-l ( jmb40 ) | ||||||
chemit | x | x | ||||
chemchair | x | x | x | |||
chemstaff-l ( smv1 ) | ||||||
chemit | x | x | ||||
chemhr | x | x | x | |||
kda1 | x | x | x | x | ||
chemchair | x | |||||
chembuildingservices | x | |||||
chemstockroom | x | |||||
kjl44 | x | x | ||||
yme2 | x | x | ||||
chemacadstaff-l (smv1) | ||||||
chemit | x | x | ||||
chemhr | x | |||||
kda1 | x | x | x | x | ||
chemchair | x | |||||
chembuildingservices | x | |||||
chemstockroom | x | |||||
kjl44 | x | x | ||||
yme2 | x | x | ||||
chempostdoc-l ( smv1 ) | ||||||
chemit | x | x | ||||
chemhr | x | |||||
kda1 | x | x | x | x | ||
chemchair | x | |||||
chembuildingservices | x | |||||
chemstockroom | x | |||||
kjl44 | x | x | ||||
yme2 | x | x | ||||
chemvissci-l ( smv1 ) | ||||||
chemit | x | x | ||||
chemhr | x | |||||
kda1 | x | x | x | x | ||
chemchair | x | |||||
chembuildingservices | x | |||||
chemstockroom | x | |||||
kjl44 | x | x | ||||
yme2 | x | x | ||||
chemmajors-l ( Carl ) | ||||||
chemit | x | |||||
cec232 | x | x | x | x | x | |
chemundergrad | x | x | ||||
chemfac-labs-l (kjl44) | ||||||
chemit | x | |||||
kjl44 | x | x | x | x | ||
yme2 | x | x | ||||
chemgrads-l ( pah3) | ||||||
chembuildingservices | x | |||||
chemglass | x | |||||
chemit | x | x | ||||
chemstockroom | x | |||||
chemgrad | x | x | ||||
chemhr | x | |||||
feh2 | x | |||||
hfd1 | x | |||||
jmb40 | x | x | ||||
kjl44 | x | |||||
ksc7 | x | |||||
lrm1 | x | |||||
pah3 | x | x | x | |||
chemgsr-l ( kjl44 ) | ||||||
chemit | x | |||||
kjl44 | x | x | x | |||
yme2 | x | x | x | |||
chemindustrialrecruiting-l ( pah3 ) | ||||||
chemit | x | |||||
pah3 | x | x | x | |||
chemstockroom-l ( ams834 ) | ||||||
chembuildingservices | x | |||||
chemit | x | x | ||||
chemstockroom | x | x | ||||