DAY 3: Today is Friday, June 3rd and the Venice Biennale opens this weekend! View the interview with curator Bice Curiger, visit the
official website, and sign up for La Biennale Channel. Over the weekend, seek our and consult on-line reviews and participate in live
blogging in order to formulate your own idea of this coveted international contemporary art event and art market stimulator.
Choose an exhibition from the following four national participants for your report and remember to note its significance with regards to
the art market: 1) the American Pavilion 2) the India Pavilion 3) the South African Pavilion 4) the Peoples Republic of China Pavilion.
Be sure to consider the implications of the location of the pavilion, the artist (s) and curator (s) with regards to the standing of your
national participant in the global market for contemporary art. Log on to La Biennale Channel for participation in discussion groups,
educational initiatives, videos links, reports and more to inform your report. Post your report in the space provided. You are encouraged
to include links to video clips, reviews, artists, blogs and exhibitions in the space allotted for your report.