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Scope This procedure contains instructions for processing withdrawals, transfers, and reinstatements in the Database Quality Unit.  Requests for these transactions typically come from selectors or Resource and Access Services staff for a variety of reasons.  Withdrawals, for example, may be the result of a resource being lost, missing, badly damaged, or deselected from the collection by a selector.  Transfers are most frequently sent to the Annex because of space concerns in on-campus libraries, but they may also occur between libraries that share similar subject areas.  Reinstatements occur when a resource has been returned to the collection after having been lost, missing, or withdrawn (and in some cases, long after the record has been deleted from the database).  The resource may have been with a patron, or in a professorsomeone's office, or lost in the stacks with the wrong call number, and then re-discovered.  When Accuracy is critically important when processing any of these transactions, it is important for staff to follow the steps carefully, to ensure they're updating the correct records.  Consult a supervisor of you and staff should consult the DBQ supervisor if they have any questions.

Contact:   Pedro Arroyo


  1. Display Instance record. Verify that record matches bookthe resource
  2. If the title resource is a serial, check for and report an open purchase order or subscription before proceeding. See Additional Steps: Special Cases below
  3. For single-part monographs and complete multi-part sets,:  suppress
    1. SUPPRESS the Instance
    1. Click Actions→Edit Instance, and in the Administrative Data section,
      • Check the "Suppress from Discovery" box
      • Check the "Staff Suppress" box: 
    2. NOTE: For partial withdrawals of multi-part sets & serials, DO NOT suppress the Instance (or the parts remaining in the collection will not be discoverable), but proceed to step 4.  
  4. Add an Administrative note with the proper coding for the withdrawal, using the format date:yyyymmdd Add an Administrative note with the proper coding for the withdrawal, using the format date:yyyymmdd ttype:w userid:[netid] ploc:lts  lts (see example 1 below)   
    1. NOTE:
    The macro for this
    1. The macro for the withdrawal code is ,,w. If you don't have this macro, contact the DBQ Supervisor or LTS Macro coordinator.
  5. For multi-volumes/multipart items
  6. , specify the number of pieces withdrawn by adding
  7. (partial or complete): If you withdraw more than one piece from an Instance/Holdings, including supplements or indexes, add "pcs:" to the end of the
  8. note, then add the
  9. withdrawal code, followed by the number of pieces being withdrawn. (see example 2 below)
    • If you are NOT withdrawing ALL of the pieces of a particular multi-volume, DO NOT SUPPRESS the instance record, or the remaining volumes will not be discoverable. See instructions for partial multi-part transactions below.

ExamplesExamples of withdrawal codes in the Instance Administrative Note

1, (Single-part monographs):

2. (For withdrawing 3 volumes Parts of a multivol. or serial, whether it's a complete or partial set):
