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Unit:  Database Quality

Date last reviewed:29 May  

Date of next review: April June 2025


Medium Rare Annex
Additional Steps : Special Cases 


  • If the transfer is going to Rare Annex (rmc,anx) or any of the "ranx" sublocations, follow the  Rare Annex (9a) instructions below.
  • If the transfer involves superseded editions or volumes, see also Special InstructionsSecion V "Final Steps"below.
  • If the title is a serial, check for and report an open purchase order to the Serials Unit supervisor, to make sure any new issues are processed for the correct location. See Additional Instructions for Serials below..
  • If the title has a "Pamphlet" call number, or other non-LC classification, consult with the Cataloging supervisor about whether it can go to the new location as-is, or whether it needs to be re-cataloged/re-marked with a new call number.


  1.  Display the Instance Record
    1.  Make sure the record is NOT suppressed in the database.  If it is suppressed, uncheck the Suppress from Discovery box. 
    2.  Enter an Administrative note for transfers using the format: date:yyyymmdd ttype:t userid:[netid] ploc:lts  The macro for this is ,,t
  2.  Save the Instance Record
  3.  Display the Holdings record that matches the old location and copy number of the title and edition in hand.  If there is any discrepancy between the piece and its records, consult with the DBQ supervisor.
    1.  Make sure the record is NOT suppressed in the database.  If it is suppressed, uncheck the Suppress from Discovery box. 
    2.  Change the Permanent Location field to the new location.  
    3.  If needed, add an appropriate copy number in the Holdings record.  You will need to add the copy number to the written call number in the piece as well.
    4. Add a Holdings Note (with Note type: Noteshowing which collection the piece originally came from, and the date it was transferred, plus NetID (for single-part, see example 1 below).  "Staff only" box should be checked. 
      • For multi-part transfers of volumes, and/or supplements, note specific pieces as appropriate in the Holdings Note (see example 2). 
    • Ex. Example 1:
    • Ex. 2:
    • Example 1:

Image Modified

** Exception: Not all transfers to the Annex need will get Holdings notes, as large-scale transfer projects and book-moves can make it burdensome to add notes to every Holdings record.  LTS staff should add the notes for reasonable amounts of manual transfers whenever possible, however, as the information maintenance history of a title can be useful in the future.


       8.  Search the database to verify that the old call number is NOT already in use for the new location. If it is, add publication date and work letter to the call number in the Holdings and on the piece in hand, or work letter only if call number already contains a date.  Consult with DBQ supervisor if needed.

9. Make sure to re-mark and re-label the piece if you make modifications to the online call number.


  1. Line out all previous location stamps on the piece in-hand -- (see exception below).
  2. Edit handwritten locations and call numbers in the piece   -- (see exception below).
  3. For serials, if you know that the new location is picking up an open subscription from the old location, write "Ongoing, currently received" on the location flyer. In addition, for unbound issues not barcoded separately, give recent issues (as displayed in the OPAC) to LTS Serials or Documents for further processing.
    If the transfers are computer disks , sound recordings   , or video recordings  , do additional processing if required for the new location.  Consult with a cataloger as needed.
    Exception: for unbound serials not barcoded separately, edit only the first and last issue in each bundle.
    Insert a location flyer and place completed transfers on the appropriate shelf (#12a) .
  4. Send the items to the Physical Processing unit for re-labeling and routing to the appropriate location. 
    1. Superseded editions or volumes:add a Holdings Note (Note type: Note) to holdings records to indicate the treatment of these "ongoing" transfers (e.g. "Latest vol. in Reference"). Leave the Staff Only box Unchecked.
  1. Examples

    • Image AddedImage Added

       4.  Send the items to the Physical Processing unit for re-labeling and routing to the appropriate location. 


C. Reinstatements


  1. Search FOLIO for a matching Instance.  If no record is found,  Skip to section Ia below.
  2. If there is an Instance record in FOLIO, verify that the record matches the book.  
  3. Check for and report an open purchase order associated with the item, if applicable.  See Special Instructions below.
  4. If the Instance record is suppressed, un-check the "Suppress from Discovery" box in the Instance record, and set the Catalog Date to the CURRENT date.
    1. Add a Post-Cataloging Maintenance Code (macro: ,,mc) to the Administrative Note of the Instance.
      1. If you un-suppress an Instance record, add an Administrative note with the Transaction code for Fast-shelving (,,s), to reflect the reinstatement.
      2. If you the bib is NOT suppressed, you're likely reinstating an additional copy or location for an item that is already held
      Search OCLC for a corresponding bibliographic record to the one we have:
      1. If there is a corresponding record in OCLC, and if the OCLC record does not reflect CUL Holdings, add an additional Shelflisting code to the Administrative note in the Instance (ttype: s ; use macro ,,s).
    2. Save  the Instance.

    Ia . No Instance Record in FOLIO


    E. Additional Steps: Special Cases

    1. Reporing Open purchase orders: when withdrawing or transferring serials, and for all reinstatements, check to see if there is an open purchase order for the title:
      1. In the FOLIO Inventory screen, scroll down to the bottom of the third pane, and check the Acquisitions accordion/pop-down for any POL (purchase order line) information,  If there's no purchase order attached, the Acquisitions accordion will be closed.
      2. Click the POL link (tip: right-click and open in a new tab).
      3. Verify that the Location for the line item is correct.
      4. Check the Receipt Status (question)  (Receiving note (question) ). If it states that the purchase order is complete or canceled, do nothing. If it states that the purchase order is Open or Ongoing, send an e-mail notification to Serials Supervisor. In the e-mail, give the following information:
        1. Action (withdrawal, transfer, or reinstatement)
        2. Brief serial title
        3. Instance ID
        4. Purchase Order Number
    2. Transfers to RMC Annex: see Rare Annex Transfers (Procedure #12a)
    3. Additional guidelines for Transfers: From Collection Development's Selection Policy for Shelf Space Adjustment:
      1. Retain a unique print copy of an item if the only other manifestations in CUL are microform, CD-ROM, or networked resource. Do NOT retain a unique microform if the title is available in print..
      2. When filling in serial "back volumes missing in other units," retain volumes (numbers, issues, etc.) that are unique to CUL but DO NOT retain additional copies, even if there is more than one incomplete serial run in CUL.
    4. Shelves for completed transfers and reinstatements:
      1. For Rare Annex transfers, see Special Instructions (Procedure #12a) otherwise:
      2. Deliver all unbound serials that are not separately barcoded to Collection Management--Serials, otherwise
      3. Place items on the appropriate Physical Processing truck at the in Room 110, if remarking is required (e.g. location or call number on spine are incorrect).
      4. If remarking is not required, place items for Olin, Kroch, or Uris on the "return to stacks" shelf in Room 107E or 110. Place items for other libraries on the outgoing mail shelves in Room 110.
      Superseded editions or volumes:add a Holdings Note (Note type: Note) to holdings records to indicate the treatment of these "ongoing" transfers. Leave the Staff Only box Unchecked.

