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*As of 10/11/21, this procedure is still in the process of being updated for the FOLIO-based environment. 


Batch Single Volume Monographic Withdrawals
Medium Rare Annex
Additional Steps : Special Cases 


General Rule: Determine whether to withdraw, transfer, or reinstate items based on the instructions found in Section "6. Disposition" of the "Selection Policy for Shelf Space Adjustment ", unless special circumstances apply. To determine if items are unique to CUL, follow these steps:


e.  If the part(s) being withdrawn are accompanying material that is included in the bibliographic description for the title (such as supplements or maps in a pocket), add a note specifying that the supplement/map/etc. has been withdrawn –   Example:  Vol. 3 and accompanying maps WITHDRAWN (MISSING) 9/3/21


  •         WITHDRAWN (LOST), 8/21/00 abc
  •         WITHDRAWN (DESELECTED), 8/6/00 abc
  •         Vol. 3 WITHDRAWN (MISSING), 7/21/00 abc
  •         Suppl. WITHDRAWN (DESELECTED), 8/18/00 abc $z Lacks suppl.
  •         Vol. 8-15 WITHDRAWN (REPLACED BY PRES. PHOTOCOPY), 9/28/00 abc  

    B. Batch Withdrawals: Single Volume Monographic WithdrawalsMonographic Volume or Complete Serial collections
  • Batch Withdrawal Process has been updated for FOLIO. However, certain aspects of this process are still in development

    For batch withdrawals of single volume monographs, a text file or Excel spreadsheet of barcodes of records to be withdrawn are sent to the batch processing team, (currently Peter DelaCuadra). Batch processing will only perform the batch withdrawal process if the count is greater than 25. Less than 25 will be processed manually by DBQ staff.

    The batch withdrawal process is as follows:

    1. Text file or Excel spreadsheet is imported into DBeaver LDP and a separate table of the barcodes is created.
    2. A query, (or queries), is performed to verify that the data is as expected. (Looking for things such as unexpected multi-volume monographs, serials, items checked out, etc., any abnormalities are routed to DBQ for manual processing)on the newly created table of barcodes. This is to acquire specific data needed to perform the batch withdrawal process. Data necessary to complete a batch withdrawal are the instance UUIDs, holdings UUIDs and the item UUIDs.
    3. Once item UUIDs are acquiredOnce data is verified as expected, item records are deleted by means of a Perl or Python script. (as of this writing, 9|17|2021, script is in process of development)
    4. Utilizing the holdings UUIDs and a Perl or Python script involving the the Folio API, all holding work will be completed. This would include adding the withdrawal note in the holdings note, the transaction data note and the suppression of the holdings. Examples of withdrawal notes: Withdrawn (lostHoldings are then harvested from Folio. MARCEdit will be used to edit the previously harvested holdings to follow the manual withdrawal steps. (Change LDR position 5 to "d" and add staff note in Holdings Note section "Withdrawn ([reason for withdrawal] date, net id)". For example: Withdrawn (lost/missing) 3/12/20, pd36 netid or Withdrawn (dupe-deselected) 3/12/20, pd36netid.
    5. If the holdings being withdrawn is the last CUL copy, the MARC bibliographic record will need to be suppressed.
    6. The corresponding bibliographic MARC bibs are harvested from Folio as well. A 948 batch withdrawal statistic is added into the MARC record.
      For example: 948 2_ $a 20151212 $b w $d batch $e ltsThe MARC bibliographic records are re-imported back into Folio using Data Import with the correct import profile. (as of this writing, 9|17|2021, an import profile has not been written yet).
    7. If the holdings being withdrawn is the last CUL copy, the MARC bibliographic record will need to be suppressed.
    8. instance UUIDs for the bibliographic MARC bibs will be used when implementing a Perl or Python script utilizing the Folio API to suppress the instance, if there are no other holdings attached with circulating material. The instance will not be suppressed if there is a valid holdings attached with circulating material.
    9. Spot check a few records in Blacklight to see if modifications have taken affectThe corrected holdings records are also re-imported back into Folio using Data Import with the correct import profile. (as of this writing, 9|17|2021, an import profile has not been written yet).
    10. Develop and run query in Dbeaver to verify bibliographic records of last CUL copy are suppressed and that all withdrawn holdings are suppressed and the items deleted.

    Note: As of the writing, (05|16|2022), all scripts necessary to perform the aforementioned tasks in the Folio API are currently in development.


  • Anchor
    C. Transfers

I. Initial Conditions
