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Background: Manual loans occur when the patron checks out a book resource that lacks an Item record . The patron fills out a card at the Circ. desk (e.g. it lacks a barcode, or the barcode doesn't match the correct records, etc.).  When the material doesn't bring up a record for the Circulation staff, they have the patron fill out a card with some brief bibliographic information, the Call number, and their contact info. Under previous practices, a record wasn’t created for the book until after its return, and the card (filed in Access Services) was the only link to the patron. Consequently, typical online services weren’t available for the charge, such as auto-generated Overdue notices, renewals, etc. This procedure improves the practice by providing a database record more quickly, and linking it to the patron, allowing for better tracking and services.  The information is brought to LTS, along with new barcode information if necessary, so that a record can be created/fixed to match piece.  The information is then brought back to Access Services staff, so that the material can be charged to the patron online, enabling the full range of services for the charge (i.e. renewals, recalls, etc.). 

Contact: Pedro Arroyo

Unit: Acquisitions Services

Date last updated: 08 09/0222/20162021

Date of next review: April 2017







  1. Patron brings piece to Circ. desk, record is not found, and is asked to fill out a manual loan card.
  2. If the piece lacks a barcode, Access Services staff take a set of DOUBLE -DUMB Barcodes, and put one in on the piece, and one on the manual loan card. 
    • If the resource already has a barcode, Access Services staff do NOT need to apply a barcode to the piece & card.  They just need to make sure that the existing barcode number is visible in the photocopy provided to LTS (see steps 3-4), or on the manual loan card.
  3. Access Services staff make a photocopy of the book’s title page, t.p. verso, and written Call number. 
  4. Access Services bring the card and photocopy to the Inputting Supervisor,  Acquisitions Coordinator, or Database Quality Supervisor in LTS, to be processed on a Rush basis
  5. LTS staff locate the best available record based on the card and photocopy, whether using existing Voyager FOLIO records, searching/importing from OCLC, or creating one as necessary.
    • To find or input the correct record, LTS Staff may need to consult with others who have the appropriate language expertise, if necessary.
  6. LTS staff create an “In Process” Holdings record for the new Instance, if applicable, with a subfield X note in the 852 field stating Holdings Note (note type: note) saying: “Manual Loan, send to 110 Olin when returned”, and any other appropriate explanatory information (see examples in the Notes section below).  The clearer the note, the better.
    • If it is not necessary to create a new Holdings, LTS staff will add the Manual Loan note (in a subfield X) to the appropriate existing Holdings. This would occur in cases where we appear to have a bib an Instance and a holdings Holdings record for the piece, but it simply lacked an item record, or the item record didn't match the barcode.  This is one of the most common scenarios for manual loans..
  7. LTS staff create a new Item record for that Holdings (using the Barcode on the card or photocopy), set the Item Status to “Cataloging Review”, and paste the Holdings note Manual Loan note (from the Holdings) in the “Note” area of the Item record.
    • All records associated with this loan will be active and un-suppressed.
  8. LTS staff return the card to Access Services in the Public Services office, so they can link the resource to the patron in the Circulation Module.  This will make it appear as “charged” in the OPAC.
  9. When the Patron returns the piece, Access Services staff will discharge it, bring it to the “Manual Loan Returns” shelf in LTS, or directly to the Inputting Supervisor, Acquisitions coordinator, or Database Quality Supervisor.
