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  1. Where can I find more information about FOLIO?
    1. This Confluence space is a great place for information about FOLIO.  Especially see the User Training Calendar - there are Cornell-specific events going on with opportunities for questions.
    2. FOLIO Community Wiki
    3. Information and User Guides for FOLIO Apps:
    4. Documentation:
  2. When can I gain access to FOLIO? 
    1. Now! Send an email to to request an account.
  3. What is an app in FOLIO?
    1. Like the apps we download onto our smartphones, each FOLIO app is designed for a particular purpose.  FOLIO apps may correspond to just one part of, rather than an entire Voyager module. FOLIO apps may also perform functions that weren't in Voyager.
    2. FOLIO apps include things like: Users, Check in, Check out, Orders, Receiving, Inventory, Invoices
  4. How do I know which apps I will need to do my job?  What you can do is based on what you were able to do in Voyager.  It's confusing because the names are different, but when you get your account you'll have access to the apps you need.
  5. Who decides which apps I can access in FOLIO?  You'll be able to look around in most of the apps and do actual work within the apps you need.  It's based on what you could do in Voyager.  If you feel there's something missing, check with your supervisor.
  6. What can FOLIO do that Voyager cannot?
    FOLIO includes apps for e-Resource management, which was done completely outside of Voyager. FOLIO can accommodate both MARC non-MARC data. FOLIO is web-based and can be accessed from any computer without having to use remote-desktop. FOLIO is flexible and designed to grow, change, and interact with other tools via APIs (application program interfaces).
  7. What Voyager functions will not be supported by FOLIO?
  8. FOLIO does not support authority control. How will authority control be accomplished once we are in FOLIO?
  9. When will I receive training? 
    1. Training is ongoing
    2. View the training calendar: User Training Calendar
  10. How will I know how much I need to learn in FOLIO and when I have to learn it? 
  11. Will there be an opportunity for small group (less than 10) training sessions? 
  12. What kind of permission settings have we got to work with?  Will there be view-only?  Who can set permissions?   There's a committee working on permission sets based on what people could do in Voyager.  It's not a straightforward "translation" from Voyager to FOLIO and during this training period we're getting lots of helpful feedback for what isn't working correctly.  
  13. How are we going to get access to old Voyager information, such as past invoices and PO notes on completed POs that won't be migrated to FOLIO? 
    1. We plan to maintain a historical snapshot of the Voyager database where you will be able to access information like this. More information will be coming from CUL-IT.
  14. Can we get search function tips and tricks for FOLIO like Jean P. and Pedro do for OCLC? 
    1. FOLIO Wiki Tips and Tricks:
  15. Is there a glossary of FOLIO Terms?
  16. As FOLIO keeps changing/adding features, how will we know when something new is coming?
  17. How will FOLIO interact with OCLC? Do we know yet how it will interact with ArchivesSpace? How about Aeon? 
    1. For ArchivesSpace we expect the interaction to be pretty similar with what we have currently with Voyager. In March we plan to begin testing the ArchivesSpace changes into FOLIO. For Aeon, much of the integration relies on Blacklight. We've engaged with Discovery and Access to start exploring what updates need to be made. Reach out to Jenn (jrc88) or Erin (eef46) if you have questions.