Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


All other fixed field positions are optional at abbreviated level.  Catalogers may fill in such fields as Contents or Literary Form at their discretion, as long as they do no agonize over the choice.


Variable Fields


Use the following table to determine what data elements should appear in the record. All other MARC variable fields are optional for abbreviated level records defined by this procedure. If other fields appear in the Voyager in-process record, use judgment to determine whether to revise or delete such fields. The guiding principles are these:

  • Focus on the data elements spelled out in this procedure as mandatory or mandatory if applicable.
  • Accept what is present on DLC or copy to the extent possible. Do not delete or change DLC or copy information unless it is clearly inaccurate or egregiously misleading.
  • Do not agonize over data elements in a record. Make a quick decision in most cases.

MARC 21   21 Definition 


LTS   LTS Abbreviated Level Requirement 

Library of   of Congress Control Nocontrol no.


Mandatory   Mandatory if applicable.  Enter any DLC label   label mounted on the cover.



Enter |a   if it appears on the item (|z if you know it can’t possibly be valid, for   for example if it’s not 10 or 13 digits long)

System   Control NumberSystem control number


Retain the   the OCLC control number if present.  Do not   not include an OCLC control number for a different manifestation.  Do not include an OCLC control number for a   a non-English record (that is, 040 |b  must be blank or “eng”).

Cataloging   SourceCataloging source


Subfields   |a, |b, |c mandatory; |e rda and |d if applicable

LC Call   Nocall  no.


Mandatory; see guidelines in this procedure

Authorized   Authorized access point


Mandatory   if applicable (includes 100, 110, 111, 130)

Preferred   Preferred title


Enter a   preferred title if known or readily inferred from the item; otherwise, omit

Title area


Subfield   |a is mandatory; |b and|c if applicable

Varying   Varying form of title


Optional ;   use judgment

Edition   Edition area


Mandatory   if applicable


264: 1: (RDA);   260 (usually AACR2)

Mandatory   if applicable; |a, |b and |c should be present

Physical description


Subfields   |a and |c are mandatory; all other subfields are optional

Content,    Media, Carrier

336, 337,   338

Mandatory   on RDA records.  Use macro #r1 for   print monographs.


490:0 :

Transcribe    series if present.  Do not trace the   series in an 830.  Remove an 830 if one   happens to be present on the in-process record.

FAST subject access or Uncontrolled   Subject TermsUncontrolled subject terms


Mandatory   if applicable; see guidelines in this procedure

Added entries


All added   entries are optional
