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titleVerify the Configuration

Go to your SP installation directory(default C:\opt\shibboleth-sp), cd to /sbin64 or /sbin directory as appropriate to your 64-bit or 32-bit system. Running the code below from the command line:


Code Block
shibd.exe -check
If the last line of the output is the following message, everything is as expected:
"overall configuration is loadable, check console fornon-fatal problems"

If there is error, check log for detail. All the log files are in SP installation directory\var\log\shibboleth



Whenever you make changes to SP's configuration file, save the file. You can wait for the Shibboleth Daemon to pick up the changes or you can restart the Shibboleth Daemon to make the changes take effect right away.

Register Service Provider with Cornell IDP


titleGet SP's metadata

Restart IIS and the Shibboleth Daemon. The Shibboleth Daemon can be restarted using the Administrative Tools > Services navigation.

Navigate to https://yoursiteDomain/Shibboleth.sso/Metadata and download it.Open your downloaded file with text editor. Make sure the entityID is the same as your defined in shibboleth2.xml. If there are multiple sites in IIS require Shibboleth authentication and you define them in shibboleth2.xml, you need to manually add consumer service url for each site in your SP's metadata.       

For example, I get my SP's metadata from,  in the metadata there should be a line like this:

<md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="" index="1"/>

I also have defined in shibboleth2.xml, I need to add AssertionConsumerService url for like this

 <md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="" index="2"/>

Save your metadata file. You'll need to submit your SP's metadata in shibboleth integration request form.




titleRegister metadata


If your site is configured with test IDP, you don't have to submit Shibboleth integration request form because test IDP supports anonymous SP. You can start testing the authentication of your site.

For sites configured with prod IDP, submit your shibboleth integration request from On the second page of request form, select 'No' for question "Has the application service provider's metadata been published with InCommon?".  Use text editor open your SP's metadata, copy the content of the metadata and paste it in the request form.Once the form is submitted, Identity Management get a Remedy case. We'll configure your SP in prod IDP in 1 - 2 business day. We'll notify you when the configuration is complete.


Test SP integration with IdP
