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Unit: Cataloging & Metadata Services in RMC

Date last updated: 02/02/20152016

Date of next review: January 20162017


Bibliographic Records

Holdings Records


Bibliographic Records


Type of record: t Bibliographic Level: m


Put the collection number and bound manuscript number here, e.g. 4605 Bd. Ms. 1. You need not include the size designation here.

1xx field

Use this field for the creator of the manuscript. For an individual manuscript, the creator is the person or body responsible for the manuscript's intellectual content.  For instance, if Joe Brown wrote a play but Geri Green transcribed it in the manuscript, we would treat Joe Brown as the creator. Geri Green would be an added entry. A bound collection of autographs or clippings, etc. has the collector as its creator.    Example: 100 1_ Brown, Joe, $e collector.


Treat this field the same as in book cataloging, except without abbreviations ("volume," "pages," etc. are spelled out). If the text of the manuscript ends before the last numbered page, give the number of the last numbered page in the 300 and make a 500 note about the blank pages at the end (e.g. "Pages 50-75 are blank").

If the manuscript is illustrated, add [space][colon]$b illustrations. Add [space][semicolon][space]$c[height of the volume in centimeters]. Note that "cm" is used without a period at the end (it's considered to be a symbol rather than an abbreviation).


Use this field for the provenance note if the item has a signature, bookplate, stamp, etc. with a previous owner's name, or the previous owner is known based on other evidenceeevidence.

561 1_ Provenance: Joseph R. White (bookplate).

561 1_ Provenance: Fromerly part of the Duveen Lavoisier collection).

541 field: Immediate source of acquisition (coded with first indicator 1 to display to the public)


If the volume has a bookplate, signature, inscription, stamp, etc. of a former owner, besides adding a note in the 561 field, trace the former owner's name in a 700 or 710 field with the appropriate $e at the end:

$e former owner

$e signer

$e inscriber

$e associated name

The $e terms are MARC or RDA relator terms.

Example: 700 1_ Dejours, Pierre, $e former owner.


Holdings Records

852 8_ $b [location, usually rmc] $k [sublocation, usually Archives] $h [collection no.] Bd. Ms. [no.]


Type of record: v Encoding level: 4


 Receipt status: 2 if we have the complete set of volumes, 5 if we don't

Completeness: 1 if the set is complete, 2 if it isn't
