Versions Compared


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Date of next review: July 2016


Basic -Level Access Group
       EDI Import        General Update
       Vendor eBook Load
       Vendor Print Load

Advanced -Level Access Group
      Extract Records from a List of ID Numbers
      Harvest Voyager Records
      Miscellaneous Loads       Privileged Procedure
      Queue BulkImport
      Voyager Utilities

Batch Processing/Heads/Expert -Level Access Group
      Administrative Production Procedure
      Various Cron Jobs
      Direct OCLC Export
      Google Utilities
      Reports and Extracts

Administrative -Level Access Group      Clean Up Voyager  
      LS Tools Configuration

CLAMSS Shelf List Tool










I. EDI Import

For EDI invoices download and ftp placement in the Voyager\EDI\Incoming folder for the Acquisitions client to load. After selecting the button for either Law or LTS, the specific job selected will connect to the vendor’s ftp server’s invoice folder and allow automatic placement of the file into the production server


a. Ambassador (remote) for Law

b. Ambassador (remote) for LTS

c. AuxAmateurs_firm (remote)

d. AuxAmateurs_standing (remote)

e. Bennett (remote)

f. Casalini (remote)


h. Harrassowitz_firm (remote)

i. Harrassowitz_law (remote)

j. Harrassowitz_serials (remote)

k. Harrassowitz_standing (remote)

l. Hein_Law (remote) *EXCEPTION: This job is done manually by Tech Services at Law.

m. Nardecchia (remote)






II. General Update

Section for tools used in the editing and manipulation of .mrc record files.

a. ENACT BulkImport: Takes a MARC file that has been queued for bulk import and loads the file into Voyager.

b. Modify .MRC: Add, modify, or delete fields in a set of MARC records. Certain common additions are available under the “Special” button.

c. Remove Carriage Returns: Can check for or remove carriage returns in MARC, harvest jobs, modification jobs, or non-MARC output lists.

d. View .LIST: Can examine a list of bib or holdings ids.

e. View MARC Records: Can reorder MARC fields in a file based on rules from cataloging, display a MARC file in the browser, or convert a MARC file to MARCxml.



III. Vendor e-Book Load

Loads electronic record sets supplied by vendor. Modifies the records per script prior


a. Alexander Street Press: Vendor record load, run from a .pl script in the input/vendor records/Alex Street folder. Files are downloaded from the vendor website.

b. Bach: Vendor record load, run from a "mod job" in staff member's LS Tools folder.

c. BNA e-Journals: Vendor record load, run from a "mod job" in staff member's LS Tools folder. Both new and updated records are downloaded from the vendor's website.

d. Books 24x7: Vendor record load, run from a "mod job" in staff member's LS Tools folder. Records are retrieved via FTP.

e. Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) e-Books: Harvests Voyager records for Columbia International Affairs Online and compares to file of OCLC records for the resource. Discards those without a valid link to the CIAO resource and duplicates in Voyager to prepare a file for loading.

f. Coutts MyiLibrary: Loads ebook records from Coutts MyiLibrary. Records are retrieved via FTP.

g. DRAM e-Resources (OCLC): Run as needed, this script is a manual load of records for music e-books. Records for this job are downloaded from the OCLC website.

h. ElgarOnline: Vendor load of law e-book records for ElgarOnline records. Files are received via email.

i. e-Thesis: This manual load takes metadata from both the grad school offices and from e-Commons to create .mrc records for the electronic versions of theses written by Cornell students. Records are delivered via email from the grad school office.

j. Heinonline Legal Classics Library AND Heinonline World Trials Collection: Takes a file of Hein package records, compares those in Voyager, retaining all links to other Hein packages while adding appropriate 899 codes.

k. Henry Stewart Talks: Vendor record load, run from a .pl script in the Batch_Processing/Scripts folder. Email is sent to staff to announce availability of new records, then files are downloaded from the vendor website.


to the






n. Naxos: Vendor load of e-book records. Files are downloaded from the vendor website.

o. NBER: Vendor load of e-book records. Records are imported from the NBER website. Run as needed.

p. NPAC-LC Jakarta: Vendor load of e-book records, uses .pl script to extract LCCNs from Jakarta and batch search Voyager for missing records, edit and load into Voyager.

q. PLI Discover Plus: Vendor load of e-book records for PLI Discover Plus Brev and PLI Discover Plus Treatise records. Files are received via email.

r. RAND E-books: Vendor load of e-book records for RAND.

s. Serial Solutions Updates, e-Books: Runs script to process and load MARC e-book records that were downloaded manually.

t. Serial Solutions Updates, Deletes: Runs script to process and DELETE MARC records that were downloaded manually.

u. Serial Solutions Updates, Journals: Runs script to process and load MARC journal records that were downloaded manually.

v. Westlaw Record Load: Prepares a file of Westlaw e-resources. Job is similar to the HeinOnline load.



IV. Vendor Print Load

Acquisitions bulk import of vendor supplied MARC records with or without purchase order creation via embedded order data. Selection of this button in LS Tools gives a choice of various pre-scripted jobs connecting to a folder on the vendor’s website or locally on a server.

a. AuxAmateurs Approvals: Choose from AuxAmateurs FineArts Print, AuxAmateurs ILR Print, or AuxAmateurs Olin Print. Loads print records from vendor AuxAmateurs that were retrieved via FTP.

b. Berenguer Approvals: Similar to Yankee as it connects to our libfiles server, but it this case loads a vendor supplied preliminary record. Files are received via email attachment.

c. Casalini Basic Approval, Casalini Enhanced Approval, and Casalini Full Approval: Loads print records from Casalini, which were retrieved via FTP.




e. Coutts PDP: Loads patron directed print records from Coutts, which were retrieved via FTP.

f. Coutts Approval: Extracts ISBNs from Yankee file, searches OCLC, prepares file of best available Bibs, bulk imports them into Voyager.

g. Eastview Print: Loads acquisitions-level print records from vendor.

h. Euyloo: In this manual job, the staff member takes a tab-delimited file of data from the vendor, converts it into MARC records using MarcEdit, and loads it into Voyager.

i. Harrassowitz Full Print: Selecting this will load full level Harrassowitz MARC records and create purchase orders. Connects directly to the Harrassowitz vendor’s server and pulls in the file (via FTP) for processing.


k. Icelandic Firm Orders: The selector for the Icelandic collection sends a .mrc file of acquisition level records to the cts-bulk email list; these records are then edited by .pl script and loaded into Voyager.

l. Leila: Vendor-supplied records are edited using an LS Tools modification job kept in a staff member's LS Tools folder.

m. Lexicon: Vendor print load of preliminary records. Files are received via email.

n. LC Cairo Arabic Records: Vendor load of print records. Files are delivered via email; statistics and local fields are added and records are loaded into Voyager.

o. MIPP Print: Loads preliminary-level vendor records.

p. PanMun: In this manual job, the staff member takes a tab-delimited file of data from the vendor, converts it into MARC records using MarcEdit, and loads it into Voyager.

q. QingYin Firm Order: Loads preliminary print ordering records from the vendor.

r. Serbica: Vendor print load of preliminary records. Files are received via email.

s. SofiaBooks Print: Loads preliminary print ordering records from the vendor. Records are received via email attachment.

t. Vietnamese Print: In this manual job, the staff member takes a tab-delimited file of data from the vendor, converts it into MARC records using MarcEdit, and loads it into Voyager.



Advanced Group


I. Extract Records from a List of ID Numbers

Take a set of bib or holdings ids, either generated by a harvest or other means, and extract the associated MARC records.



II. Harvest Voyager Records

Develop queries for the extraction of bibs or holdings based on specific field criteria.


III. Miscellaneous Loads

Specialized loads that require additional expertise on the part of the staff member to run



b. Authorities Subjects Load: Loads vendor-supplied subject authority records into Voyager.

c. Marcadia BatchMatch: Takes less-than-full bibs and sends to OCLC for automated matching with full records, retrieves, bulk imports them into Voyager. First part of process: In LS Tools under "Reports and Extracts/OCLC Batch Records Export." Creates extract that is to be sent to OCLC. Then the BatchMatch script loads the resulting records.

d. Marcive: Loads Federal Government e-resource records. Creates files of new and existing Marcive records for loading.

e. PDC Building Plans at the Annex: Each month Cornell's Planning, Design and Construction Department sends us an email with a spreadsheet of barcodes for design plans that are headed to the Library Annex.  We use a script to add item records to suppressed records for each barcode with a roll number in the enumeration. Those plans are then sent to the Annex for processing.



IV. Privileged Procedure

Location for more advanced reports and record loads with higher stakes if mistakes happen


a. Add $h[electronic resource] to Titles: Adds GMD to the 245 where needed.

b. Add Donor Names to 902$a: Checks fund code in Bib against fund code table, adds name of donor(s) to 902 field.

c. Add Donor Plate Links: Monthly extract of approved invoice line items paid for on endowed gift funds. The fund is linked to a specific donor book plate which has been placed on the web. A link to that plate is placed in the holdings as an 856 field.

d. Bib Flip 490 to 830 Records: Adds 830 series field to records with only a 490 field for search ability in Voyager.

e. Extract Bibs Lacking Fast Subject Headings: This script looks for Voyager records that lack fast subject headings and creates a .mrc file for export to OCLC.

f. Format Serial Solutions Metadata for ERM System: Prepares a file of records of e-journals not part of the Serial Solution loads for import into the electronic resource management system.

g. Format Non-Serial Solutions Metadata for ERM System: Prepares a file of records for non-serials, not part of the Serial Solution loads for import into the electronic resource management system.

h. Hebrew Approvals (880 Flip): Takes vernacular in standard fields and transliterated data in 880 fields and switches them. Records are received via email attachment.

i. Icelandic BIB Cleanup: This job adds a 710 "Fiske Icelandic Collection" to Icelandic records, and is run from a "modify" job in the LS Tools folder of a staff member.

j. Initial Article and Title Tag Cleanup: Looks at previous month’s cataloging for errors in indicators relating to articles in title fields.

k. Invalid 899 Aggregators in Voyager: Compares 899 fields in Voyager to list on our web site. Reports out any in Voyager not in the list.

l. Load Serial Solutions e-Book Metadata: Prepares Serial Solutions e-book file for bulk import.

m. Load Serial Solutions e-Book-Delete Metadata: Prepares Serial Solutions e-book deletion file for bulk import and batch deletion. Produces histogram of 899 counts.

n. Load Serial Solutions Journal Metadata: Prepares Serial Solutions e-journal file for bulk import and a separate file for batch deletion.

o. Remove Unnecessary 948 Fields from Voyager: This is a monthly maintenance job to limit the number of 948 fields in individual BIB records.

p. Replace Tech Services Statistics: This script allows an operator to manually gather the 948 data for a desired date range.







V. Queue BulkImport

Allows selection of bulk import profile to load into production or test version of Voyager.



VI. Voyager Utilities

Used after loading authority record files to perform global headings jobs 11 and 12, which index bib and authority headings in global headings queue for authority maintenance.



Batch Processing/Heads/Expert




I. Administrative Production Procedure

Reports and processes that the Batch Processing or LTS management has access to, often a space to test new processes


a. Columbia POOF Vendor Matrices: Displays web version of vendor rule table for POOF loads.

b. Configure LS Tools Vendors: Sets up local directory, .pl script, etc. associated with each vendor job.

c. Configure Vendor Connection: Used to set up FTP usernames and passwords for access to vendor data files.




e. Cornell POOF Vendor Matrices: Displays web version of vendor rule table for POOF and ITSO loads.

f. ITSO Records from Local Data: Is used as a back-up for a CRON job. Takes WorldCat records taken from manual download, and loads them into Voyager.

g. ITSO Records from OCLC: Takes WorldCat records chosen by selectors for ordering, loads bibs and creates POs in Voyager. ITSO is the script that does this work.

h. ITSO/POOF Analysis: Looks at the number of instances of a rules use.

i. Kirtas Record Creation: Goes to internet archive, grabs data, looks at print records and creates record for e-resource version of the title.

j. POOF Records from Columbia: Prepares POOF order file for Columbia.

k. POOF Records from Cornell: Loads Cornell's POOF records.

l. Replace Columbia POOF Vendor Matrix: Infrequent manual job - Updates tables for automated ordering for vendors.

m. Replace Cornell POOF Vendor or Fund Matrices: Infrequent manual job - Updates tables for automated ordering for vendors.

n. Replace Harvard POOF Vendor Matrix: Infrequent manual job - Updates tables for automated ordering for vendors.

o. TS Stats Upload to Database: The monthly CRON pushes a package of monthly 948 data to “Disc”; in this job, a staff member pushes that same package to the “DB” (database) used by supervisors for creating individual and department statistics reports.



II. Various Cron Jobs

Section of scripts that allow for the manual running of a CRON job. Sub-sections include OCLC, General, and Privileged Cron Jobs


a. 948 Cleanup Maintenance: Each day we receive a report of incorrectly coded 948 statistics fields. We manually correct those, so that they can then be added to our next statistics extract.

b. Automated Monthly Export of No-Ex Records:  This script extracts proprietary records for matching in OCLC, without adding the vendor's .mrc record to WorldCat. If it finds a matching record, it addes the OCLC number to the Voyager record.  

c. Daily Technical Services Statistics: This CRON job runs daily, and gathers the 948 data from the previous day's records.

d. E-Book Enhancement Scripts: Three scripts for harvesting e-resource bib records lacking call numbers. One searches OCLC using the 035, the second searches OCLC by 776, and the third searches by ISBN. If an OCLC record with call number is found, it is merged with Voyager record and queued for loading into Voyager.

e. EDI Export from Voyager Server: Sends EDI orders to vendors.

f. Eliminate Redundant OCLC 035 Fields: Reviews previous week’s records in Voyager, finds malformed or duplicate OCLC 035 fields, removes duplicates and malformed instances, reports out BIBs that require further examination for manual cleanup.

g. Generate MetaData for RAPID: Generates tab delimited list of serials or monographs for export to RAPID for Inter-Library Loan use.



i. Notify Selectors of Rejected Records: Pickup of records for materials not ordered for delivery to selector who placed the order.

j. OCLC 035 Cleanup: Each Friday a cron job looks at updated Voyager records of the previous week to identify those records with multiple OCLC numbers. Most are duplicate numbers that can be eliminated during the automated portion of the cleanup. The rest are reported out for manual correction, as appropriate.

k. OCLC Daily Export w/Batch Delete: Prepares for export that day’s cataloging and deletions for export to OCLC.

l. OCLC Institutional Export: Weekly export to OCLC of Law Library and pre-1900 imprint updates and newly cataloged material.

m. OCLC Manuscript-Archive Export: Weekly export to OCLC of updated manuscript and archive bibs.

n. OCLC Master Number Maintenance: Checks master number against OCLC and adds fast headings to Voyager record, if found on master but missing in Voyager.

o. OCLC MFHD Export (Local Holdings Records): Choose "3 day old non-serial mfhd export to OCLC" to send local holdings data to OCLC for non-serial records. Choose "3 day old serial mfhd export to OCLC" to send local holdings data to OCLC for serial records.

p. OCLC System Number Mapping: Better known as OCLC mapping job, as it adds the OCLC number to new cataloging from OCLC cross reference reports.

q. Record Extraction to Coutts OASIS: Extracts added or changed bib records to Coutts for loading into Oasis.

r. Records Missing OCLC Numbers: Runs harvest of cataloged records that are lacking OCLC numbers. Resubmits monograph records to OCLC; prints out list of serials lacking OCLC numbers, to be reviewed by staff.

s. Remove 981$n Fields from Freshly Loaded ITSO Marc Records: Removes requestor information from bib found in 981 subfield n.

t. Report of Bibs with Duplicate ISBNs: Reports out bibs with duplicate ISBNs based on the previous days 005 date.

u. Send e-Mails to Book Requestors: Harvest requestors’ email from day’s purchase order line items and sends emails to patron informing them that the title has been ordered for them.



III. Direct OCLC Export

Directly export a MARC file of Voyager records to OCLC for processing.




IV. Google Utilities

Various scripts for Google and HathiTrust Voyager extracts. Some are run by LTS staff; some by the project manager for the Google Project and who also serves as liaison to HathiTrust (marked “PM” on this




b. Build MARC XML File for GOOGLE Based on List of Barcodes (PM): Used when Google metadata is missing or needs replacing.

c. Build MARC XML File for HATHI Based on List of Barcodes (PM): Used when HathiTrust metadata is missing or otherwise not usable.

d. Build MARC XML File of KIRTAS Barcodes Not Found by Google (PM): Used when Kirtas metadata is missing or needs replacing.






g. HathiTrust MultiVol Monograph Extract: Reports status of currently held/withdrawn/lost multi-vol items to Hathi (at item level).

h. HathiTrust Serials Title Extract: Reports currently held serials to Hathi (at title level).

i. HathiTrust Single Monograph Extract: Reports status of currently held/withdrawn/lost single mono items to Hathi (at item level).

j. MARC and MARC XML Files for Google Shipment and Hathi: Creates a Voyager Bib file with 903 field with Google shipment date, to reload into Voyager. Creates MARC XML files for Google and Hathi.

k. Test a File of Item Barcodes for Valid Checksum (PM): Makes sure barcodes are valid.

l. Update (PM): List of materials Cornell will not supply to Google. Manually transfers a file for pick-up by either Hathi or Google.



V. Reports and Extracts

Location for scripts that create reports or extract records as part of routine database maintenance processes



b. Inconsistent Item Location Report: Creates a serial and non-serial list of MFHDs and items where their location codes do not match

c. ISBN Extract: Extracts ISBNs from a MARC record file. Staff member can then batch search OCLC using these ISBNs.

d. Less than Full Level Order Records: Looks for preliminary “on order” bib records.

e. Lost/Missing Reports: Generates a list of titles for books withdrawn due to the item being lost or missing.

f. Mfhd Copy Number Clean-Up: Compare the copy number in the MFHD 852 subfield t with the copy number in the item record. Output contains some routine fixes which are extracted for manual correction.

g. OCLC LHR Exception Reports: Receive email announcements of our local holdings exports. The Exception Reports can be examined on the OCLC Produce Services website. Any holding that was not added will have our Institutional Record Number, i.e., our holdings ID along with a reason why it was not loaded. Staff member must correct each holding in Voyager as appropriate so that the holding will be resent to OCLC. (This is not an LS Tools script.)

h. OCLC Unresolved Records: Receive email announcements of our daily cataloging export results. Any coded as unresolved appear in a MARC file which is downloaded from OCLC Product Services website. Our holdings for these records were not added to WorldCat due to MARC errors. Staff member must manually examine each record in Connexion to correct error(s) and add our holdings to OCLC. (This is not an LS Tools script.)

i. Report Duplicate Government Documents: Extracts a list of government document Voyager bibs where the OCLC number and 245 subfield a match.

j. Suppressed Mfhds with Unsuppressed Bibs: Looks in Voyager for bibs without at least one active (unsuppressed) MFHD.










I. Clean Up Voyager


This section of LS Tools contains a set of tools that are currently in development. Each of them contains a menu of fields/issues that can be chosen to be either reported upon or corrected



b. Clean Up Voyager BIB Data: This job can take a set of Voyager BIB records and clean up whatever issues are chosen from the set menu of common problems.

c. Report on a Local MARC File: Creates a report of any and all of three specific errors found in a .mrc file from a staff member’s LS Tools/Marc folder.

d. Report Voyager BIB Data: Creates a report of any and all of three specific errors found in a set of Voyager BIB records.



II. LS Tools Configuration

The jobs in this section are used by administrators to edit existing LS Tools jobs’ defaults, add new users, edit permission levels for various jobs, etc.

a. Configure CRON Job Defaults

b. Configure e-Book Aggregators

c. Configure JOB CONTROL (“Families”)

d. Configure LS Tools JOBS

e. Configure LS Tools USERS

f. Configure Vendor Fund Mapping

g. LS Tools Usage Analysis



CLAMSS Shelf List Tool

This tool allows catalogers to determine the proper accession number for videos and microforms. Access is given only to those individual catalogers who need to use it.