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To add yourself to the BCS-L mailing list, send a plain-text email to with the body of the message saying simply join.  The subject line doesn't matter.  Sending the message leave instead will unsubscribe you from the list.  See Cornell's Lyris HowTo page for further details. 

Please contact Thomas Cleland with any questions (David Smith is on walkabout this semester).  BCS meeting archive.


  • Nir Y, Tononi G (2009) Dreaming and the brain: from phenomenology to neurophysiology.  Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14(2):88-100.
  • Schredl M et al (2009)  Information processing during sleep: the effect of olfactory stimuli on dream content and dream emotions.  Journal of Sleep Research 18:285-290. 
  • Wiki Markup\[OPTIONAL\]  [  Issa EB, Wang X (2008)|BCS Journal Club^J Neurosci 2008 Issa.pdf] Sensory responses during sleep in primate primary and secondary auditory cortex.  _  Journal of Neuroscience_ 28(53):14467-14480.  
12 October 2010: Anuttama Sheela Mohan


  • These papers concern unified models of synaptic plasticity, attempting to understand the underlying general rule(s) regulating synaptic weights and the diversity of conditions under which they may be altered. unmigrated-wiki-markup
  • [Shouval HZ, Wang SS-H, Wittenberg GM (2010)|BCS Journal Club^STDP-A consequence of more fundamental rule.pdf] Spike timing dependent plasticity: a consequence of more fundamental learning rules  _Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience_ learning rules  Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 4:19.  \  [This is a review article\]
  • Shouval HZ, Bear MF, Cooper LN (2002) A unified model of NMDA receptor-dependent bidirectional synaptic plasticity.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99(16): 10831-10836.


  • Bromberg-Martin ES, Matsumoto M, Hikosaka O (2010).  Distinct tonic and phasic anticipatory activity in lateral habenula and dopamine neurons.  Neuron 67: 144-155.unmigrated-wiki-markup
  • \[OPTIONAL - BACKGROUND\]  [  Hikosaka O, Sesack SR, Lecourtier L, Shepard PD (2008)|BCS Journal Club^Habenula crossroad between the basal ganglia and the limbic system.pdf].  Habenula: crossroad between the basal ganglia and the limbic system.  _Journal of Neuroscience_ .  Habenula: crossroad between the basal ganglia and the limbic system.  Journal of Neuroscience 28(46): 11825-11829.  


You can enroll in the BCS Journal Club for graduate or undergraduate credit  (2 CR, S/U) as a Topics in Biopsychology seminar:  PSYCH 6271-102.  The course requires that you present at least once during the semester and participate actively overall.

Please contact Thomas Cleland or David Smith with any questions.

25 January 2011:  Organizational Meeting


  • Research talk:  "What makes different people's representations alike: A solution to the problem of across-subject fMRI decoding"
  • Here are the Powerpoint slides from Raj's talk.(||\) from Raj's talk.
  • To To see Raj's manuscript about the decoding-via-similarity-space work (mostly skipped over during his BCS talk, submitted to J. Cognitive Neuroscience), please contact Raj directly. 
13 September 2011:  Dave Bulkin
  • Mark M. Churchland, John P. Cunningham, Matthew T. Kaufman, Stephen I. Ryu, and Krishna V. Shenoy (2010). Cortical Preparatory Activity: Representation of Movement or First Cog in a Dynamical Machine? Neuron 68, 387-400. (||\)
20 September 2011:  Eyal Nitzany


  • For background, please read:  Dayan P, Huys QJM (2009) Serotonin in affective control.  Annual Review of Neuroscience 32:95-126.  This review attempts to combine the studies of serotonin (||\) Serotonin in affective control.  Annual Review of Neuroscience 32:95-126.  This review attempts to combine the studies of serotonin (aka 5HT) in invertebrates with studies in vertebrates to construct a grand synthesis, and contains several ideas that are well worth discussing. 


  • Two papers in line with Adam's biannual theme.  What does that mean?  Come and ask Adam yourself.
  • van der Meer MAA, Redish AD (2009) (||\) Covert expectation-of-reward in rat ventral striatum at decision points.  Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 3(1).
  • Howe MW, Atallah HE, McCool A, Gibson DJ, Graybiel AM (2011)  Habit learning is associated with major shifts in frequencies of oscillatory activity and synchronized spike firing in striatum. (||\) Habit learning is associated with major shifts in frequencies of oscillatory activity and synchronized spike firing in striatum.  PNAS 108(40):16801-16806.  
1 November 2011:  SiWei Luo
  • Kim EJ, Kim ES, Covey E, Kim JJ (2010JJ (2010) (||\)  Social transmission of fear in rats: the role of 22 kHz ultrasonic distress vocalization.  PLoS One 5(12):e15077.

For additional background, if desired:

  • Galef BJ (2002) (||\)  Social learning of food preferences in rodents:  rapid appetitive learning.  Current Protocols in Neuroscience 8.5D.1-8.5D.8.  
  • Kiyokawa Y, Takeuchi Y, Nishihara M, Mori Y (2009) (||\)  Main olfactory system mediates social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats.  European Journal of Neuroscience 29:777-785.


  • These two papers are a point/counterpoint "Perspective" pair published in Neuron this year:
  • Sahay A, Wilson DA, Hen R (2011) (||\)  Pattern Separation: A Common Function for New Neurons in Hippocampus and Olfactory Bulb.  Neuron 70:582.
  • Aimone JB, Deng W, Gage FH (2011) (||\) Resolving New Memories: A Critical Look at the Dentate Gyrus, Adult Neurogenesis, and Pattern Separation.  Neuron 70:589.


  • NEWS ITEM:  Tom Griffiths will be speaking this Friday, 18 November, at the Psychology Colloquium (3:30 in Uris Hall 202).  You may remember him from such previous BCS papers as Tenenbaum as Tenenbaum JB, Griffiths TL (2001) (||\)  Generalization, similarity, and Bayesian inference.  Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24:629-640.  You can fill the empty space in your soul by rereading that paper, or his more recent work.  


  • Thom out of town
13 March 2012:  Licurgo de Almeida


  • No readings.  Licurgo will present some material from his recent work.  


You can enroll in the BCS Journal Club for graduate or undergraduate credit  (1-2 CR, S/U) as a Topics in Biopsychology seminar:  PSYCH 6271-101  (class number 8699).  The course requires that you present at least once during the semester and participate actively overall.  You are welcome to attend without enrolling, of course, but we do appreciate you enrolling if you plan to attend the whole semester and to present. 

Please contact Thomas Cleland or David Smith with any questions.

4 September 2012:  Organizational Meeting


6 November 2012:  SiWei Luo


13 November 2012:  Rachel Swanson



You can enroll in the BCS Journal Club for graduate or undergraduate credit  (1-2 CR, S/U) as a Topics in Biopsychology seminar:  PSYCH 6271.  The course requires that you present at least once during the semester and participate actively overall.  You are welcome to attend without enrolling, of course, but we do appreciate you enrolling if you plan to attend the whole semester and to present. 

Please contact Thomas Cleland or David Smith with any questions.

22 January 2013:  Organizational Meeting
  • No readings. Please come prepared to choose a day to present from the many opportunities below.


29 January 2013:  Lindsey Vedder


5 February 2013 (Thom absent):  TBD
  • TBD


12 February 2013:  Dave Bulkin
  • TBD


19 February 2013 (Thom maybe absent):  TBD
  • TBD


26 February 2013:  Dave Bulkin and David Smith


5 March 2013:  Dave Bulkin and David Smith


12 March 2013:  Adam Miller


19 March 2013:  SPRING BREAK
  • No meeting


26 March 2013 (Thom absent):  Greg Peters


2 April 2013Phil Perrone



9 April 2013:  Rachel Swanson
  • Bagdasarian et al (2013). Pre-neuronal morphological processing of object location by individual whiskers. Nature Neuroscience, doi:10.1038/nn.3378.


16 April 2013 (Thom maybe absent):  Dave Bulkin and David Smith


You can enroll in the BCS Journal Club for graduate or undergraduate credit  (1-2 CR, S/U) as a Topics in Biopsychology seminar:  PSYCH 6271.  The course requires that you present at least once during the semester and participate actively overall.  You are welcome to attend without enrolling, of course, but we do appreciate you enrolling if you plan to attend the whole semester and to present. 

Please contact Thomas Cleland or David Smith with any questions.

