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Papers and notes from previous semesters can be found in the BCS meeting archive|../../../../../../../../../../display/BCS/Past+BCS+Meetings|||||||||\.

The overarching theme this semester is likely to be "Active Sensation", perhaps to be modified at our first meeting.  Please interpret BCS themes broadly -- they are meant to focus rather than to exclude.  


17 September 2013:  Dave Bulkin
  • Muzzio et al (Kandel lab) (2009)|^Muzzio_plosbio2009. pdf\.  Attention enhances the retrieval and stability of visuospatial and olfactory representations in the dorsal hippocampus.  
  • Fenton et al (2010)|^fenton_jneurosci2010.pdf\.  Attention-like modulation of hippocampus place cell discharge.  
24 September 2013:  Adam Miller
1 October 2013 (Thom may be absent):  Lindsey Vedder
8 October 2013:  Pedro Rittner
  • Hasselmo and McGaughy (2004).|^Hasselmo and McGaughy 2004.pdf\  High acetylcholine levels set circuit dynamics for attention and encoding and low acetylcholine levels set dynamics for consolidation.  Progress in Brain Research 145. 
  • Hasselmo (2006).|^Hasselmo 2006.pdf\  The role of acetylcholine in learning and memory.  Current Opinion in Neurobiology 16: 710-715.


22 October 2013:  Phil Perrone
29 October 2013:  Guoshi Li
  • Ardid S, Wang X-J, Compte A (2007).|^Ardit et al. 2007 An integrated microcircuit model of attentional processing.pdf\  An integrated microcircuit model of attentional processing in the neocortex. Journal of Neuroscience 27(32):8486-8495. 
5 November 2013:  Rachel Swanson


26 November 2013:  SiWei Luo
  • A.J. Austin and T. Duka (2010).|^Mechanisms of attention for appetitive and aversive outcomes in Pavlovian conditioning.pdf\ Mechanisms of attention for appetitive and aversive outcomes in Pavlovian conditioning. Behavioral Brain Research (213)19-26.
  • Felipe L. Schiffino, Vivian Zhou and Peter C. Holland (2013). |^Posterior parietal cortex is critical for the encoding, consolidation, and retrieval of a memory that guides attention for learning.pdf\ Posterior parietal cortex is critical for the encoding, consolidation, and retrieval of a memory that guides attention for learning. European Journal of Neuroscience. doi:10.1111/ejn.12417
3 December 2013:  Isle Bastille