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Link to 213 arXiv Road Map



Complete development issues from 2012-09-21 Scientific Advisory Board meeting - The SAB agreed to a number of changes in the way arXiv should send emails to moderators and control user selection of categories. Changes also add the ability for moderators to comment on and put submissions on "hold" without the need for arXiv admin interaction, a first step toward empowering moderators though more direct facilities. Work was started in 2012 and will be completed in early 2013. Status as of 8/13: Done


Change email handling to support arXiv admin and moderation ticketing system - The "Request Tracker" software has been selected and we will rework email filtering software to use this instead of the current email-based arXiv admin workflows. Status as of 8/13: Partially complete. Have moved help mailbox, not yet moderation mailbox. After discussion with SAB and moderators it is clear that discussion with moderators should not move to Request Tracker at this stage


Alerting system - The email alerting system remains popular but the mechanisms for subscription management are outdated. Users should be able to see and control their subscriptions from their user account page. New software will be developed to replace the extremely old and hard to maintain software implementing the current email subscription system. Status as of 8/13: Not done

User Support and Moderation


Explore the advantages and practicability of having an arXiv Scientific Director - Work with arXiv Scientific Advisory Board to define the role of a Scientific Director, and explore with stakeholders the desirability and feasibility of such a position. Status as of 8/13: In progress. A proposed position description has been drafted, for review at SAB Sept. meeting.

Define new tools and interfaces for moderators - Work with existing moderators to gather and refine requirements for new tools and interfaces to support their work. Existing processes are in need of enhancement or replacement as we upgrade moderation processes and work to improve moderator efficiency and convenience. Status as of 8/13: In progress. New email list created for moderator input on moderation tools. A prioritized list of actions to be considered at SAB Sept. meeting.

Move arXiv communications administration to an issue tracking system - We have begun the process of shifting all communications with users and moderators to a web-based issue tracking system (Request Tracker). Service desk functions managed by arXiv administrators include answering user questions, troubleshooting technical problems, soliciting and following up on moderator input, responding to and resolving moderation appeals, etc. These functions are currently carried out using multiple email mailboxes. A modern issue tracking system will provide us not only with better tracking, but built in reporting and issue classification tools for better management of this labor intensive aspect of arXiv administration. Status as of 8/13: Partially complete. See item above, under "Technical".



& Organizational Model

Recruit an Interim arXiv Scientific Director -

Form the first MAB - Make MAB appointments in January'13 and start working with the group. Status as of 8/13: Completed

Finalize SAB bylaws - The SAB is reviewing a revised draft of its bylaws. A final version of these will be adopted in early 2013, along with the appointment of a Board Chair. Also under consideration is the question of appointing a scientific director — a part-time position to provide intellectual leadership from the perspective of the scientific community. Status as of 8/13: Almost done

Test and refine  the operation of the new governance model -The arXiv principles aims to clarify the authority, responsibilities, and constraints of CUL, MAB, and SAB. Ironing out problems and developing a working system may require some time to test and observe the inner operation of the governance model.  For instance, there may be overlaps and tension, due to role ambiguity or personality conflicts. Currently there is not a clear mechanism to settle potential conflicts among the three chambers - CUL, MAB, SAB. CUL will engage SAB and MAB in proactively identifying and addressing problems. The first strategy to reduce/avoid tension is having in place a roadmap for arXiv so that everyone knows the CUL team's priorities and goals. Both boards need to understand the vision, priorities, and challenges to be able to contribute to the arXiv's governance. Status as of 8/13: In progress


Continue the membership drive - We are very encouraged with the five-year pledges received so far. We want to increase the number of arXiv member institutions to create a large and international network of supporters. Another goal is to be able to reduce the institutional membership fees in the future (current annual institutional fees are in the $1,500-$3,000 range). Status as of 8/13: In progressDevelop reserve fund policies - The purpose of the arXiv reserve fund is to support unexpected expenses to ensure a sound business model. Currently, arXiv has a reserve fund of approximately $100,000 that accumulated during 2010-2011 due to unexpected staff vacancies and other savings (2012 expenses have not been factored in yet). The 2013-2017 budget projections assume that we will be able to add $50,000-$100,000 per year to the reserve funds. We need to develop policies about how contingency funds will be used and how the account will be structured (e.g., funds needed for closing the business versus development funds - also a part of the reserve funds to create an endowment & the interest can be use the interest for reducing membership fees).  Also, we need to determine at what point of reserve fund accumulation (total reserve balance) we will consider to lower the annual membership fees. Status as of 8/13: To be discussed during the September SAB meeting

New Partnerships & Communication

Define a R&D agenda and seek external funds to advance arXiv - So far, CUL's sustainability planning efforts focused on arXiv's operational budget to support the core services and arXiv's strengths in order to stay mission-centric. One of the key goals ahead of us is to define a research agenda for arXiv.  We'll seek input from the advisory boards, users/scientists at large, and information scientists.  We will develop a methodology for making decisions about arXiv's R&D projects and partners.  One of the challenges will be maintaining/developing arXiv as a distinct system vs. envisioning it as a part of a joint scholarly communication infrastructure (interoperability, research data, tracking funding sources, etc.).  This is likely to be a potential tension area between the library community and scientists. Status as of 8/13: Not enough attention has been given to this goal as there were more pressing issues

Continue the dialogue with publishers/societies - In celebration of the arXiv's 20th anniversary, on September 23, 2011 Cornell University Library (CUL) hosted a meeting at Cornell with the representatives from several publishers and societies that are interested in Cornell's sustainability planning efforts. The meeting report provides a synopsis of the discussion and recommends next steps for continuing this dialogue. We will resume this investigation and discuss the feasibility and desirability of establishing a research and innovation collaboration in support of arXiv.  This effort is envisioned to entail a separate funding stream (created by participating publishers and societies) from the operational budget, which includes resources for the routine and core services currently provided by the arXiv team (including essential updates). Status as of 8/13: Held a conference call in September, outcomes & next steps to be discussed during the MAB meeting (seek feedback from SAB)
