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For Fall Semester 2011-2012, the Behavioral, Computational, and Systems Neuroscience (BCS) Journal Club will meet on Tuesdays from 11:45 to 1:00 pm in Uris Hall 205

Papers and notes from previous semesters can be found in the BCS meeting archive|display/BCS/Past+BCS+Meetings|\.

The overarching theme this semester is yet to be determined, but our likely first speaker will discuss his own recent work relating to neural representations.  Please interpret BCS themes broadly -- they are meant to focus rather than to exclude.  


  • Research talk:  "What makes different people's representations alike: A solution to the problem of across-subject fMRI decoding"
  • Here are the Powerpoint slides|download/attachments/89461995/raj_Cornell_BCS_talk_Sept6.ppt?version=1&modificationDate=1315401718000|\ from Raj's talk.
  • To see Raj's manuscript about the decoding-via-similarity-space work (mostly skipped over during his BCS talk, submitted to J. Cognitive Neuroscience), please contact Raj directly. 
13 September 2011:  Dave Bulkin
20 September 2011:  Eyal Nitzany


18 October 2011:   Matt Lewis
  • Testing with Dayan P, Huys QJM (2009)\ Serotonin in affective control.
  • For background, please For background, please read:  Dayan P, Huys QJM (2009)|BCS Journal Club^download/attachments/89461995/Annu+Rev+Neurosci+2009+Dayan.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1317307411000|\ Serotonin in affective control.  Annual Review of Neuroscience 32:95-126.  This review attempts to combine the studies of serotonin (aka 5HT) in invertebrates with studies in vertebrates to construct a grand synthesis, and contains several ideas that are well worth discussing. 


  • Two papers in line with Adam's biannual theme.  What does that mean?  Come and ask Adam yourself.
  • van der Meer MAA, Redish AD (2009)|download/attachments/89461995/van+der+Meer_2009_Covert+expectation+of+reward+in+rat+ventral+striatum+at+decision+points.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1318973143000|\ Covert expectation-of-reward in rat ventral striatum at decision points.  Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience  Covert expectation-of-reward in rat ventral striatum at decision points.  Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 3(1).
  • Howe MW, Atallah HE, McCool A, Gibson DJ, Graybiel AM (2011)|download/attachments/89461995/Howe_2011_Habit+learning+is+associated+with+major+shifts+in+frequencies+of+oscillatory+activity+and+synchronized+spike+firing+in+striatum.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1318973170000|\ Habit learning is associated with major shifts in frequencies of oscillatory activity and synchronized spike firing in striatum.  PNAS 108(40):16801-16806.  
1 November 2011:  SiWei Luo
  • Kim EJ, Kim ES, Covey E, Kim JJ (2010)|download/attachments/89461995/Social+transmission+of+fear+in+rats+the+role+of+22kHz+ultrasonic+distress+vocalization.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1319725484000|\)  Social transmission of fear in rats: the role of 22 kHz ultrasonic distress vocalization.  PLoS One 5(12):e15077.

For additional background, if desired:

  • Galef BJ (2002)|download/attachments/89461995/Social+learning+of+food+preferences+in+rodents+rapid+appetitive+learning.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1319725510000|\  Social learning of food preferences in rodents:  rapid appetitive learning.  Current Protocols in Neuroscience 8.5D.1-8.5D.8.  
  • Kiyokawa Y, Takeuchi Y, Nishihara M, Mori Y (2009)|download/attachments/89461995/Main+olfactory+system+mediates+social+buffering+of+conditioned+fear+responses+in+male+rats.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1319725530000|\Nishihara M, Mori Y (2009)  Main olfactory system mediates social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats.  European Journal of Neuroscience 29:777-785.


  • These two papers are a point/counterpoint "Perspective" pair published in Neuron this year:
  • Sahay A, Wilson DA, Hen R (2011)|download/attachments/89461995/WilsonHenNeuron.pdf?version=2&modificationDate=1320542837000|\  Pattern Separation: A Common Function for New Neurons in Hippocampus and Olfactory Bulb.  Neuron 70:582.
  • Aimone JB, Deng W, Gage FH (2011) |download/attachments/89461995/GageNeuron.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1320542859000|\ Resolving New Memories: A Critical Look at the Dentate Gyrus, Adult Neurogenesis, and Pattern Separation.  Neuron 70:589.


  • NEWS ITEM:  Tom Griffiths will be speaking this Friday, 18 November, at the Psychology Colloquium (3:30 in Uris Hall 202).  You may remember him from such previous BCS papers as Tenenbaum JB, Griffiths TL (2001)|download/attachments/89461995/Behav+Brain+Sci+2001+Tenenbaum.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1303139935000|\  Generalization, similarity, and Bayesian inference.  Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24:629-640.  You can fill the empty space in your soul by rereading that paper, or his more recent work.  
