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Kimberly Ann Phoenix  

In the reading for today it showed how little things have changed from the Renaissance time.  The Patrons who commission pubic works are still the people with political, financial, or religious power.  These patrons build relationship with artists who were willing do as they are asked.  If an artist worked well with a patron they could be hired in the future.  Artists did not have the freedom to create what the wanted by rather would have to produce what the Patron wanted.  Today public works of art are still commissioned by prominent people who have their own vision of what they want and hire artists to fulfill their desirers. A modern day example could be the J.Paul Getty museum in California; a beautiful building, designed by a famous architect and build on a hill where other could see it and recognized how powerful and wealthy a person must have been to have that built. 

In the readings the patrons of the art were regarded in their society as people to be looked up to.  There was great pressure to make sure the art being commissioned would be done in a manner that other would appreciate, a reputation could be ruined if the work was view by people as ridiculous.  Great care was taken in making sure that commissioned work would portray the family in a way that would bring honor to future generations while honoring the current status of the family. 

Because space way limited only the very wealthy or most powerful could commission art.  Artist could be bribe because of this, being commissioned to do a piece for a more prominent place would mean better pay. 

Giovanni Boni, was willing to risk his wealth to build a home that would have to be sold off because of bankruptcy, this was an example of architecture as an art form.  Many houses and palazzo were built to show how wealthy and important someone was.  If a house was build without store in the bottom this was a sign of the wealth of the family that lived there.  Another form of art was the decoration of churched and chapels with painting and sculptures.  These could be done by prominent individuals as in Cardinal Carafa with his chapel in Rome.  He commissioned many works to glorify himself, always with reason, in hope of becoming Pope.  Alas his money did not buy him the Papacy but it did leave some wonderful works of art for future generations to enjoy.  The paintings that adore the Sistine Chapel, done by Michelangelo are still viewed and beloved today making them a commission that proved to be very worth the cost.

If an artist worked well with a patron both would gain in the court of public opinion.  Artist would continue to get work and patrons would gain influence within their community or religion.  

If painting were commissioned for a private home the audience would be of a smaller and affluent nature.  Only those who were invited to the home would be able to view them.  The works that were commissioned for public spaces carried a higher risk of public ridicule if the work did not meet the standards.  How fortune that many of the painting, statues, and architecture that survive to today can be view in museums and by visiting the cities were these work are on display to the public. 



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