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Fall Semester 2008-2009

10 September 2008:  Organizational Meeting
17 September 2008:  D. Smith
25 September 2008:  D. Smith
2 October 2008:  Mark Albert
9 October 2008: Christina Sill
  • Ji and Wilson (2008). Coordinated memory replay in the visual cortex and hippocampus during sleep. Nature Neuroscience, 10(3), 100-7.
16 October 2008: David Field
23 October 2008: Patrick Gill
30 October 2008: Thom Cleland

These two modeling papers illustrate a theoretical model of the mechanisms underlying high-dimensional decorrelation of odor stimuli in the olfactory bulb.  The first (2006) is the more important for journal club purposes.  

6 November 2008: Mike Wojnowicz
13 November 2008: Helene Porte
  • Louie and Wilson (2006). Temporally Structured Replay of Awake Hippocampal Ensemble Activity during Rapid Eye Movement Sleep. Neuron. 29:145-156.
20 November 2008:
27 November 2008: Thanksgiving Break - NO MEETING
4 December 2008:

Spring Semester 2008-2009

21 January 2009:  Organizational Meeting
28 January 2009: David Smith
  • Memory, Interference and Brain Mechanisms of Retrieval. No readings this week.
4 February 2009: Greg Peters
11 February 2009: Anuttama Sheela Mohan
  • Reading TBA. 
  • No meeting; no reading.
4 March 2009: Thom Cleland
11 March 2009: David Smith
18 March 2009: TBA
  • Reading PDF. 
25 March 2009: Christine Charvet (visiting postdoc)
  • Precocial and altricial birds evolved different developmental strategies to expand their telencephalon. No readings.
1 April 2009: TBA, There will be a room change for this meeting.
  • Reading PDF. 
8 April 2009: Christina Sill
  • Buzsaki, G. (2005). Theta Rhythm of Navigation: Link Between Path Integration and Landmark Navigation, Episodic and Semantic Memory. 
15 April 2009: Cancelled!
22 April 2009: Helene Porte
29 April 2009: Mike Wojnowicz
  • Reading PDF. 

Fall Semester 2009-2010

1 September 2009:  Organizational Meeting
8 September 2009: Mark Albert
15 September 2009: Sasha DeVore
22 September 2009: David Smith
29 September 2009: Article Pot Luck
  • Bring your favorite (or the most interesting) recent paper you've run across and share it with the group.
6 October 2009:  Mike Wojnowicz
13 October 2009: Fall Break - No meeting.
  • No readings.
20 October 2009: Society for Neuroscience Conference - No meeting.
  • No readings.
27 October 2009: Ted Cornforth
3 November 2009: Anuttama Sheela Mohan
10 November 2009: Matt Law

During the discussion, Patrick Gill brought up an additional related paper:

Today several people asked me to send out a 2005 paper (Fusi, Drew, Abbott 2005, Cascade models of synaptically stored memories_)_ showing why a variety of memory maintenance mechanisms with different timescales are better than having just one or two simple memory maintenance mechanisms.  Here it is._  There's also a followup paper showing why it didn't matter that they used synapses with binary weighting in the 2005 paper:_  Stefano Fusi & L F Abbott  "Limits on the memory storage capacity of bounded synapses"  Nat Neuro 10 (4) April 2007 p 485.

17 November 2009: SiWei Luo
24 November 2009: Laura Manella
1 December 2009: Greg Peters

Spring Semester 2009-2010

For Spring semester 2009-2010, the Behavioral, Computational, and Systems Neuroscience (BCS) Journal Club will meet on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 1:15 pm in Uris Hall 205

The overarching theme this semester is Oscillations.  Adhering to this theme is not required, but recommended.  Please interpret it broadly. Theories of gamma, beta, and theta oscillations in the nervous system are the centroid of intent, but alpha, sleep, circadian, etc. rhythms are also spot-on as are reasonably accessible dynamical systems topics from math and engineering. 

To add yourself to the BCS-L mailing list, send a plain-text email to with the body of the message saying simply join.  The subject line doesn't matter.  Sending the message leave instead will unsubscribe you from the list.  See Cornell's Lyris HowTo page for further details. 

Please contact Thomas Cleland with any questions (David Smith is on walkabout this semester).  BCS meeting archive.

26 January 2010:  Organizational Meeting
  • No readings.
2 February 2010:  Thomas Cleland

In discussion, Patrick brought up Li et al (2004), a paper from Mu-ming Poo's lab showing that those presynaptic neurons that spike early, and that consequently (via STDP) have their synaptic weights upon a postsynaptic neuron strengthened, are also themselves rendered more excitable. That is, by this mechanism STDP can "work on the presynaptic neuron" as well as on its output synapse. The net effect of this can be to durably group a set of early-firing neurons together into a fully synchronous ensemble evoking activity in that postsynaptic cell.

9 February 2010:  Christina Sill
  • Hasselmo, Giocomo, and Yoshida (2009).  Cellular dynamical mechanisms for encoding the time and place of events along spatiotemporal trajectories in episodic memory.  Behavioral Brain Research
16 February 2010:  Patrick Gill
23 February 2010:  NO MEETING
  •  No Meeting.  If you come, nobody will be there except for you. 
2 March 2010:  Helene Porte
9 March 2010:  Sasha Devore
  • Schroeder et al. (2008).  Neuronal oscillations and visual amplification of speech.  Trends in Cognitive Sciences

In discussion, Guoshi brought up this modeling paper analyzing the property that visual input (lip reading) facilitates auditory input most effectively under moderate noise conditions. 

16 March 2010:  Thomas Cleland
  • Fries (2005).  A mechanism for cognitive dynamics:  neuronal communication through neuronal coherence.  Trends in Cognitive Sciences
23 March 2010:  SPRING BREAK
  • No meeting, because it's spring break.  But to keep you in good form, take a look at this paper that Shane found.  Contrary to what I presented at the beginning of the semester, these authors argue that extracellular fields per se CAN directly affect neuronal activity.  If this effect is sufficiently true to matter, this would provide another mechanism by which neuronal populations can be coordinated (or, in some circumstances, an additional problem to be overcome in trying to coordinate them).  Maybe we'll get a chance to talk about it later this semester. 
30 March 2010:  SiWei Luo
  • Kalenscher et al. (2010). Reward-associated gamma oscillations in ventral striatum are regionally differentiated and modulate local firing activity.  Journal of Neurophysiology.
6 April 2010:  Guoshi Li
  • David et al (2009).  Specific entrainment of mitral cells during gamma oscillation in the rat olfactory bulb.  PLoS Computational Biology
13 April 2010:  Anuttama Sheela Mohan
  • Breton-Provencher et al (2009).  Interneurons produced in adulthood are required for the normal functioning of the olfactory bulb network and for the execution of selected olfactory behaviors.  Journal of Neuroscience.
20 April 2010:  Shane Peace and Ben Johnson
  • Results from planar-array multielectrode slice recordings of gamma oscillations in the mouse olfactory bulb.
27 April 2010:  NO MEETING
  • No Meeting.  You may wonder where the rest of us are.  We are not at journal club, because there is none today.
4 May 2010:  Mike Wojnowicz
  • Rougier et al (2005).  Prefrontal cortex and flexible cognitive control: rules without symbols.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 

NOTE: It's coming time to start thinking of next semester's overarching theme. One possibility is "Synaptic plasticity", a broad topic that could include molecular mechanisms as well as population-level patterns of perceptual learning, LTP as well as neuromodulator-regulated changes.  As a BCS topic, of course, the intent would be to choose approaches relevant to behavioral, computational, and systems-level questions.  The relevance/necessity of bidirectional regulation of plasticity would be a prime topic.  Following up on synchrony-dependent timing properties of synaptic plasticity mechanisms would establish a common thread with this semester's theme.  Another, somewhat related theme is a neuroscience version of statistical learning:  anything from perceptual learning to Bayesian representations of coding to temporal difference learning to dopamine (Schultz model) to the underlying synaptic rules that give rise to relevant population level learning properties to optimality of the Bayesian brain.  Thoughts?  other ideas?  Send them to Thom or bring them up at BCS. 

Another idea:  Mechanisms of memory consolidation and reconsolidation -- perhaps a more focused version of "synaptic plasticity" as above.  These topics are much more well understood and diverse than they were even a few years ago, and they are leading to a number of exciting hypotheses about systems and behavioral integrative mechanisms.  For example, see Nader & Einarsson (2010) Ann NY Acad Sci 1191:27-41, as well as Jonathan L.C. Lee's recent Nature Neuroscience paper (2008) and Trends in Neurosciences opinion (2010).  

Fall Semester 2010-2011

For Fall Semester 2010-2011, the Behavioral, Computational, and Systems Neuroscience (BCS) Journal Club will meet on Tuesdays from 11:45 to 1:00 pm in Uris Hall 205.

The overarching theme this semester is Systems of neuronal representation and learning.  Adhering to this theme is not required, but is strongly recommended.  Please interpret it broadly. It is intended to include such diverse topics as:  the systematic regulation of synaptic plasticity, Bayesian representations (including sensory representations as probability estimates), Bayesian and/or energetic optimality in neural encoding or transmission, perceptual learning, decision-making (including reward harvesting), temporal difference learning/dopamine (Schultz model), synaptic rules that give rise to systems-level learning properties.


31 August 2010:  Organizational Meeting
  • No readings. Please come prepared to choose a day to present from the many opportunities below.
7 September 2010: Thom Cleland
  • The topic of the day is "structure learning."  Thom will present the PLoS One computational paper below with reference to the Behavioral Brain Research review of the overall topic (also below).  Please read at least one of the two (your choice).
  • Braun, Waldert, Aertsen, Wolpert, Mehring (2010).  Structure learning in a sensorimotor association task.  PLoS One 5(1):e8973.
  • Braun, Mehring, Wolpert (2010).  Structure learning in action.  Behavioural Brain Research 206:157-165.
14 September 2010: David Smith
21 September 2010:  Laura Darnieder
28 September 2010:  Michelle Tong
  • "A well-written review with bias" -- just the thing...
  • Hickok G (2009).  Eight problems for the mirror neuron theory of action understanding in monkeys and humans.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21(7):1229-1243.  (PubMed Central version)
5 October 2010:  Matt Lewis
  • Nir Y, Tononi G (2009) Dreaming and the brain: from phenomenology to neurophysiology.  Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14(2):88-100.
  • Schredl M et al (2009)  Information processing during sleep: the effect of olfactory stimuli on dream content and dream emotions.  Journal of Sleep Research 18:285-290. 
  • Wiki Markup
    \[OPTIONAL\]  [Issa EB, Wang X (2008)|BCS Journal Club^J Neurosci 2008 Issa.pdf] Sensory responses during sleep in primate primary and secondary auditory cortex.  _Journal of Neuroscience_ 28(53):14467-14480. 
12 October 2010: Anuttama Sheela Mohan
19 October 2010:  Guoshi Li
  • These papers concern unified models of synaptic plasticity, attempting to understand the underlying general rule(s) regulating synaptic weights and the diversity of conditions under which they may be altered. 
  • Wiki Markup
    [Shouval HZ, Wang SS-H, Wittenberg GM (2010)|BCS Journal Club^STDP-A consequence of more fundamental rule.pdf] Spike timing dependent plasticity: a consequence of more fundamental learning rules  _Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience_ 4:19.  \[This is a review article\]
  • Shouval HZ, Bear MF, Cooper LN (2002) A unified model of NMDA receptor-dependent bidirectional synaptic plasticity.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99(16): 10831-10836.
26 October 2010:  Sasha Devore
  • Jazayeri M, Movshon JA (2006)  Optimal representation of sensory information by neuronal populations.  Nature Neuroscience 9(5):690-696 plus corrigendum.
  • Supplementary materials for Jazayeri & Movshon (2006).  Includes corrected equations as noted in corrigendum. 
2 November 2010:  Tanya Nauvel
9 November 2010:  Adam Miller
16 November 2010:  NO MEETING (Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting)
23 November 2010:  Shane Peace
30 November 2010: SiWei Luo
  • Bromberg-Martin ES, Matsumoto M, Hikosaka O (2010).  Distinct tonic and phasic anticipatory activity in lateral habenula and dopamine neurons.  Neuron 67: 144-155.
  • Wiki Markup
    \[OPTIONAL - BACKGROUND\]  [Hikosaka O, Sesack SR, Lecourtier L, Shepard PD (2008)|BCS Journal Club^Habenula crossroad between the basal ganglia and the limbic system.pdf].  Habenula: crossroad between the basal ganglia and the limbic system.  _Journal of Neuroscience_ 28(46): 11825-11829. 
  • Cell assemblies and functional connectivity.
  • Attention.
  • Decision making: how do brains/neurons make up their minds... could be broad like sensorimotor or small like anything dealing with synaptic integration/action potential generation.
  • More oscillations.  i know we did it last spring but it seems like it's still a recurring a nightmare for most people.