Eveline Ferretti, Jenn Colt, Ed Weissman
This page is a parking lot for content ideas. Content drafts can be added here or on associated pages.
Statement of purpose (draft 5/21/10)
Partnerships & Initiatives Page on the CUL Website <http://www.library.cornell.edu/aboutus/partners>
- To demonstrate that
- CUL is a vibrant, innovative entity that is critically important to the mission of the university
- CUL is a wonderful partner for faculty, students, foundations, corporations, other cultural institutions and libraries, helping each achieve their goals while advancing our own
- CUL is a worthy recipient of gifts from donors
- a 21st century library is "not just books"
- Intended audience:
- Cornell faculty,students and administrators
- Prospective library employees, faculty and students
- Foundations and corporations
- Donors and friends of CUL
- Other cultural institutions and libraries
For "Partnerships with Cornell Faculty and programs" page:
For "Other Universities and University Libraries" page:
For "Global Engagement" page:
For "Corporate Partnerships" page
For "Other Recent Grants Received" page