Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Drupal-Sites - top directory in our SVN repository
    • - directory for the site's manifest files
      • webvision.manifest - list of themes and modules from the main library website SVN repository
      • contrib.manifest - list of auxiliary themes and modules from the main library website SVN repository
      • site.manifest - list of themes and modules from the Drupal-Sites/drupal-v6-parts directory in our SVN repository
    • drupal-site-scripts - various server side scripts
      • bkp - scripts for the site backup and restore process
      • build - scripts for the deploy process
    • drupal-v6-parts - mostly modules and themes from and its contributors
      • commonspot_migration - coldfusion and php code for exporting commonspot sites and importing them into Drupal
      • libraries - a couple of web based text editors for Drupal
      • modules - the latest release version of all the Drupal modules any of our sites use
        • custom - modules we have written
          • cu_aerialny - reverse geocoding, processes for
          • cu_banners - 45 pixel Cornell banners
          • cu_eship - tools for
          • cu_olinuris - fix absolute paths - hook_node_operations
          • cu_template - blocks for our Cornell theme
          • culauth - CUWebAuth interface for Drupal login & account creation
          • feednodefixer - part of commonspot import
          • ltsprocedures - part of commonspot import for LTS site
      • themes - skins for Drupal sites
        • communications - theme for based on cuwebtemplate
        • cul - early basic CUL theme
        • cul_aerial_ny - theme for based on zen
        • cul_cuneiform - theme for based on zen
        • cuwebtemplate - standard CUL theme
        • cuwebtemplatev2 - new improved CUL theme
        • eship - theme for based on cuwebtemplate
        • math_library - theme for based on cuwebtemplate
        • physical_sciences_library - theme for
        • rau - theme for
        • wordsworth - a theme for wordsworth collection
        • zen - standard starter theme from



Update a site on the test server 

  • locate the site under  /webvision-dev/apache2/drupals/
  • in the htdocs directory, run drush cache clear
  • in the htdocs directory, run drush status to get the database particulars
  • in the bkp directory, run the script to save a copy of the filesystem and database
  • log in to Drupal site as user #1
  • put the Drupal site into 'maintenance mode'
  • in the build directory, run the deploy script
  • run update.php on the site
  • check the site - problems? restore backup
  • take the site our of maintenance mode

Add an existing module or theme to a site 

  • edit the site.manifest file to add new module or theme
  • check in modified manifest file
  • do 'update a site on the test server' above

Add a new module or theme 

  • download module/theme from into an empty directory
  • unzip/untar
  • copy resulting directory into  ...\A1Projects\Drupal-Sites\drupal-v6-parts\modules (or ...themes) on your desktop machine
  • select directory and SVN Add
  • select directory and SVN Commit
  • do 'update a site on the test server' above

Create a new site

  • ask Enrico Silterra to do the tasks for setting up a new site
    • set up subdomain (eg.
    • set up directory structure on libdev (eg.  /webvision-dev/apache2/drupals/mysite)
    • create mysql database and user for Drupal
    • install drupal core files and doctor sites/default/settings.php to include user/password/db for this site
    • create subversion directory for the site under Drupal-Sites
  • go to the site and run the Drupal install (eg. Added)
  • you may need to update the Drupal core if it's out of date
  • check out Drupa-Sites/ from SVN
  • add whatever modules you need to site.manifest
  • webvision.manifest should only have modules/cul_common (other webvision modules are out of date)
  • check in your changes to Drupa-Sites/
  • do the 'Update a site on the test server' procedure