Versions Compared


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Example: You want to mount a directory on your CCB cluster. You can do so using existing ssh access, via sshfs.

See also

File mounting via ssh

Access to CCB's clusters (and other Linux-based servers) managed by ChemIT is done via SSH. That meets many researchers needs as-is.

However, sometimes a researcher would benefit from mounting the cluster to their desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux). As a courtesy, here are links to tools one can install on a desktop (Windows, Mac) to enable this:


  • Please let ChemIT know how well the above referred-to tools work (or don't work!) for you so we can share your experience with other researchers.
  • Also, please let us know know how this page can change. For example, add links to other tools or resources. Your colleagues and other researchers will thank you!


File mounting with differing formats

Between Mac, Linux, and Windows there are many different types of file formats used. Listed here are some tools to help maintain the flow of information between systems. These tools are primarily used for direct connections, while the above are for networked access

Real-world examples from a researcher in CCB

Ubuntu and Mac OS, Feb. 2015



  • .


Desires auto-mount.
Questions from ChemIT regarding this need:

  • If on a laptop, what is the expected failure mode when system tries to auto-mount when off-campus, before VPN has been started, following user logging into their laptop's account?
  • And, is it OK to have user's cluster's p/w in clear text (within fstab), even if only accessible by root?

This is what user tried, but it did not work:
He tried adding the following line to /etc/fstab (for automatic mount):

sshfs#[NetID]@[machinename][NetID] /home/whateever/youwant fuse defaults,idmap=user 0 0
He reports having to run the "sudo mount -a" command (to execute mount of all of /etc/fstab). This method first asks for the user's cluster password (i.e. it disregard the .ssh key), it then mounts the whole thing inaccurately, so that privileges show as "?".