PG conversions now take place on our linux conversion computers, korat and minx. The general flow is that you will save your GDS file someplace in AFS. You will then run gdspg, view your converted file to verify correctness, and then run pgxfer to transfer your file to the PG.
You can pre-run gdspg without being in the Clean Room. Use gdspg to make sure your file converts correctly and that the flash count is reasonable. You do not want to wait until in front of the PG tool to find out you have too many flashes or that there is a problem converting your file.
1. Save your GDS file to AFS
Your W: drive on Windows is your AFS home directory. We highly recommend that you create a subfolder for working with a particular GDS file.
Each GDS file, once converted to tape, will be named PGTAPE.TAP, overwriting any pre-existing PGTAPE.TAP files. The pgxfer script expects your tape file to be named PGTAPE.TAP (the pgxfer script will not work if you rename the PGTAPE.TAP file to something else). To convert multiple GDS files, create a subfolder for each GDS file. Then work out of each subfolder.
2. Login to Korat/Minx
From the CNF Sunrays, choose Korat or Minx from the Applications menu
On linux, unlike the VAX, file names and directory names are case sensitive. You can tab complete instead of typing in the whole filename/directory name. Press tab twice to list possible completions.
Working with files and directories from the Linux commandline:
Command | Description |
pwd | Show current directory |
cd ~ | Change to your home directory (same as your W: drive on WIndows) |
cd dirname | Change directory to a subfolder named dirname |
cd .. | Go up a directory |
ls | List files and folders in the current directory (with color highlighting) |
dir | List files and folders in the current directory without color highlighting |
mkdir dirname | Make a new subfolder named dirname |
rmdir dirname | Deletes the subfolder name dirname (forlder must be empty) |
rm filename | Deletes the file named filename |
rm -rf dirname | Recursively deletes the non-empty folder name dirname and all contained files and folders |
4. Convert your file
Run gdspg and follow the prompts to convert your file.