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titleCornell University Library Instruction Charge

The Critical Literacies and Pedagogies Team (formerly, the Instruction Team) provides leadership for library-wide instruction initiatives, and supports CUL in its commitment to effective instruction and comprehensive information and related literacies (data literacy, visual literacy, media literacy, primary source literacy), by serving as a clearinghouse for information, facilitating a community of practice, and partnering with other groups on initiatives and projects of shared import.

titleCLAP Team Members 2024-2025
 Leadership Team
  • Julia Gardner, Team Co-Lead and RMC representative
  • Christian Miller, Team Co-Lead and ILR representative
  • Leah Dodd, Director Sponsor

Cluster Reps/Liaisons

  • Jeffrey Petersen, Kroch Asia representative
  • Devin Sanera, Business, Engineering, Entrepreneurship representative 
  • Nina Scholtz, Law representative
  • TBD, Mann representative
  • TBD, Life Sciences representative
  • TBD, Fine Arts representative
  • TBD, Humanities and Social Sciences representative
  • TBD, Africana representative
  • TBD, Veterinary Library representative 


  • Emily Beran, member-at-large
  • Marcie Farwell, member-at-large
  • Maddie Reynolds, member-at-large
  • Hannah Toombs, member-at-large
  • Patricia Abraham, member-at-large
  • Kiran Mohammadi-Williams, member-at-large
Wiki Markup
{search-box}\\ \\ {color:#003399}{*}WEBSITES{*}{color} [Tips and Techniques for Library Instruction|] University of Texas Practical tips on putting together a course-related library instruction session. \\ {color:#003399}{*}READINGS{*}{color} Allan, B. (2003) +[+Blended learning: Tools for teaching and training+|]+ London ; Sterling, VA: Kogan Page. Clark, Ruth Colvin, Taylor, David. (1994). [The causes and cures of learner overload|]. Training, 31(7), 40. Cox, Christopher N. and Elizabeth Blakesly Lindsay. (2008). [Information literacy instruction handbook|]. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries.  [instruct:Readings, continued]\\ \\ {color:#003399}{*}RESOURCES/TOOLS{*}{color} Libguides Clickers   {color:#003399}{*}LIBRARY INSTRUCTION PARTNER PROGRAM{*}{color} Read the article about LIPP in the [October 2008 Kaleidoscope|] [LIPP Application|] ----