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Spring Semester





The Cognition and Neural Systems (CNS) Journal Club (nee' BCS Journal Club), also known as PSYCH 6271-101 (6528), meets on Tuesdays from 11:45 40 to 1:00 pm(ish) in Uris Hall 205.Ives Hall 107 - NOTE THE NEW ROOM!

Papers and notes from previous semesters can be found in the CNS (BCS) meeting archive.

Shortlink to this page:


Presentations in the CNS JC are intended to "show us what you are interested in"; i.e., present work within your subfield that illustrates why it is interesting and broadly applicable.  It is less important to choose papers that you think will be close to every attendees' heart than it is to choose papers that are blisteringly important or interesting or controversial in your own subfield, and explain/share this with the group.  It's good for all of us.  The corollary is that journal club members attend regularly, and don't decide whether to attend in a given week based on what is being presented.  

Presenting your own work is always welcome, in whatever manner you like.

To add yourself to the BCS-L mailing list, send a plain-text email to  (BCS is the historical name of the journal club) with the body subject line of the message saying simply join. The subject line doesn't matter. simply join, and the body of the message blank/empty.  Sending the message with a subject line of leave instead will unsubscribe you from the list. See Cornell's Lyris HowTo page for further details.

You can enroll in the BCS CNS Journal Club for graduate or undergraduate credit (1 CR, S/U) as a Topics in Biopsychology seminar: PSYCH 6271. The course requires that you present at least once during the semester and participate actively overall. You are welcome to attend without enrolling, of course, but we do appreciate you enrolling if you plan to attend the whole semester and to present.

Please contact Thomas Cleland or David Smith with any questions.


30 23 January 20182024:  Organizational Meeting

30 January 2024:   Cancelled - see you next week.

6 February 2018 2024:  Tim DeVoogd and Alex Ophir

13 February 2018:  Wen-Yi Wu



27 February 2018:  David Katz

6 March 2018:  Marissa Rice

13 March 2018:  Lisa Hiura

20 March 2018:  Jesse Werth

27 March 2018:  Jack Cook

  • Jack will be presenting work from his research project developing an analytical framework for odor learning.  The readings are to get everybody in the right frame of mind for discussing this work in particular and the overall approach in general.

  • Zaidi Q, Victor J, McDermott J, Geffen M, Bensmaia Sl, Cleland TA (2013).  Perceptual spaces:  mathematical structures to neural mechanisms.  J Neurosci 33(45): 17597-17602.  
  • Lee JM (2013).  Introduction to smooth manifolds, pages 1-17.  
  • For some additional background (optional):
    • Lee JM (2011).  Introduction to topological manifolds, 2nd ed., pages 1-17.



10 April 2018:  Dev Laxman Subramanian

17 April 2018NO MEETING


24 April 2018:  Angela Freeman


1 May 2018:  Roy Moyal


8 May 2018:  Article Potluck

  • Bring your favorite, most insightful, most surprising, oddest, or otherwise somehow compelling article or bit of data to share with the group (time limit of 5-10 min each).



13 February 2024:  Lindsay Sailer

20 February 2024Dev Subramanian - Time Cells in the Retrosplenial Cortex

  • Optional background reading: Eichenbaum, H. (2014). Time cells in the hippocampus: a new dimension for mapping memories. Nature Reviews: Neuroscience (15)732-44.

27 February 2024Feb Break - no meeting

5 March 2024:  David Smith

12 March 2024:  Hamid Turker

19 March 2024:  CANCELLED - Will be rescheduled soon (Wendy Yang).

26 March 2024: Wendy Yang

2 April 2024Spring Break - no meeting

9 April 2024:

16 April 2024:  Chen Yang

  • Hot off the press:  the second Annolid paper (arXiv preprint), focusing on Annolid's new zero-annotation automatic tracking capabilities.  
  • Chen will present the newest developments in the Annolid software package for deep learning-based behavior analysis using instance segmentation.  There are substantial new advances to present, based on new models including Cutie VOS (visual object segmentation) and Meta's Segment Anything that are used for easier object identification and automatic tracking.  Come with your ideas, questions, and research needs.  
  • You also can look at our lab's two Annolid-related posters from SFN 2024 for an introduction:  Chen Yang et al., Ray Fang et al.
  • There are also several Annolid videos posted on Youtube; our MATB playlist is at  

23 April 2024:  David Zheng

30 April 2024: Hamid Turker

  • Medial prefrontal cortical neurons diff erentiate match and non-match cues in a continuous olfactory match-to-sample task. Original research, no readings.

 Until next fall...