Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Go to WPForms -> Settings
  2. In the "Include Form Styling" section select "None"

AMP Settings

  1. Template Mode: Select "Reader"
  2. Supported Templates: Content Types: Select "New Articles"

Classic Editor Settings

  1. Default Post Category: Uncategorized
  2. Default Post Format: Standard
  3. Default editor for all users: Classic Editor
  4. Allow users to switch editors: No
  5. Mail Server:
  6. Port: 110
  7. Login Name:
  8. Password: password
  9. Default Mail Category: Uncategorized

Default Featured Image Settings

  1. Thumbnail size: Width: 150 / Height: 150
  2. Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional): Selected
  3. Medium size: Max Width: 300  / Max Height: 300
  4. Large size: Max Width: 1024 / Max Height: 1024
  5. Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders: Selected

Download Monitor Settings

General tab

  1. Default Template: "Default - Title and count"

Endpoint tab

  1. Download Endpoint: download
  2. Endpoint Value: Download ID

Hashes tab

(nothing selected)

Logging tab

  1. Download Log: enabled
  2. IP Address Logging: Store full IP addess
  3. User Agent Logging: enabled

Access tab

  1. No Access Message: You do not have permission to access this download. <a href="">Go to homepage</a>
  2. Blacklist IPs:
  3. Blacklist User Agents: GoogleBot

Pages tab

  1. No Access Page: No Access

Misc tab


Kraken Image Optimizer Settings

  1. Optimization mode: Intelligent Lossy
  2. Automatically optimize uploads: Enabled (default setting)
  3. Optimize main image: Enabled (default setting)
  4. Resize Main Image: Max Width - 0 / Max Height - 0
  5. JPEG Quality Setting: Intelligent lossy
  6. Chroma Subsampling Scheme: 4:2:0 (default setting)
  7. Image Sizes to Krak: (all selected)
  8. Preserve EXIF Metadata: (none selected)
  9. Automatically Orient Images: selected
  10. Show metadata reset per image: (not selected)
  11. Bulk Concurrency: 4

Stream Settings

General tab

  1. Keep records for: 90 days
  2. Role Access: Administrator (only role selected)

Exclude tab & Advanced tab


Yoast SEO Settings


Dashboard tab


Features tab

All are turned on:

  1. SEO Analysis
  2. Readability Analysis
  3. Cornerstone Content
  4. Text link counter
  5. XML sitemaps
  6. Ryte integration
  7. Admin bar menu
  8. Security: no advanced settings for authors
Webmaster Tools tab


Search Appearance

  1. Title Separator: |
Content Types

For all content types:

  1. Show News Articles in search results? Yes
  2. Date in Google Preview: Hide
  3. Yoast SEO Meta Box: Show
News Articles
  1. SEO TItle: %%title%% %%sep%% Alumni, parents, and friends %%sep%% Cornell University
  1. SEO Title:  %%title%% %%sep%% %%parent_title%% %%sep%% Alumni, parents, and friends %%sep%% 
  1. SEO Title:  %%title%% %%sep%% Alumni, parents, and friends %%sep%% Cornell University
  2. Archive: Show
  3. SEO Title for Archive: %%pt_plural%% Archive %%page%% %%sep%% Alumni, parents, and friends %%sep%%
Clubs or Groups
  1. SEO Title:  %%title%% %%sep%% Alumni, parents, and friends %%sep%% Cornell University
  2. Archive: Show
  3. SEO for Archive: %%pt_plural%% Archive %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% 
Alumni Profiles
  1. SEO Title:  %%title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% 
  2. Archive: Show
  3. SEO Title for Archive:  %%pt_plural%% Archive %%page%% %%sep%% Alumni, parents, and friends %%sep%% Cornell University
Calls to Action
  1. SEO TItle:  %%title%% %%sep%% Alumni, parents, and friends %%sep%% Cornell University
  1. SEO TItle:  %%title%% %%sep%% Alumni, parents, and friends %%sep%% Cornell University
  1. SEO TItle:  %%title%% %%sep%% Alumni, parents, and friends %%sep%% Cornell University
  2. Archive:
  3. SEO Title for Archive: %%pt_plural%% Archive %%page%% %%sep%% Alumni, parents, and friends %%sep%% Cornell University
  1. Redirect attachment URLs to the attachment itself? Yes
  1. Show in search results? Yes
  2. SEO Title:  %%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% 
  3. Yoast SEO Meta Box: Show
  1. Show in search results? Yes
  2. SEO Title:  %%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% 
  3. Yoast SEO Meta Box: Show
  1. Format-based archives? Enabled
  2. Show Formats in search results? No
  3. SEO Title:  %%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% 
 Download Categories
  1. Show in search results? Yes
  2. SEO Title:  %%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% 
  3. Yoast SEO Meta Box: Show
Download Tags
  1. Show in search results? Yes
  2. SEO Title:  %%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% 
  3. Yoast SEO Meta Box: Show
Event Categories
  1. Show in search results? Yes
  2. SEO Title:  %%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% 
  3. Yoast SEO Meta Box: Show
Author Archives Settings
  1. Author Archives? Enabled
  2. Show author archives in search results? Yes
  3. Show archives for authors without posts in search results? No
  4. SEO Title: %%name%%, Author at %%sitename%% %%page%% 
Date Archives Settings
  1. Date Archives? Enabled
  2. Show date archives in search results? No
  3. SEO Title: %%date%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% 
Special Pages
  1. Search pages:  You searched for %%searchphrase%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% 
  2. 404 Pages:  Page not found %%sep%% %%sitename%% 
  1. Breadcrumbs: Disabled
  1. Content to put after each post in the feed: The post %%POSTLINK%% appeared first on %%BLOGLINK%%.





  1. Add Open Graph meta data: Enabled
  2. Image URL:


  1. Add Twitter card meta data: Enabled
  2. The default card type to use: Summary with large image

