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Note: The "disk/disc" distinction between floppy disks and CD-ROMs/DVD-ROMs should be used on the bib record and for holdings information on the MFHD. For the "|k Disk" subfield in the 852 field, use "disk" for both floppy disks and CD-ROMs/DVD-ROMs.

Contact:Greg Nehler Pam Stansbury

Unit: Cataloging

Date last updatedreviewed: /30/2015 

Date of next review: March 2016  2025 


General notes






Processing Disks/Discs for Individual Libraries





















  • Olin Reference




      Types of computer disks

      Computer laser optical discs (CD-ROMs), DVD-ROMs
      Computer files are permanently recorded on the disc (by the same process used in recording a sound CD). A CD-ROM/DVD-ROM is usually stored in a plastic box called a jewel case normally supplied by the manufacturer. If there is no jewel case supplied with the disc, or if it has been damaged, use a DVD case. DVD cases may be found near the Catalog Reference shelves. The disc in the jewel case or DVD case can be put directly on a book truck or mailing shelf without any additional protection. Barcodes and labels should be attached to the outside of the jewel case/DVD case, the barcode in the upper right corner, and the label in the upper left corner. Labels should not be attached directly to a CD-ROM/DVD-ROM because it may become unbalanced and not rotate evenly.

      Note: In the unit library procedures that follow, "jewel case" can stand for jewel cases as such, or DVD cases.

      Floppy disks
      Information stored on a floppy disk can be damaged or erased by high temperatures or magnetic fields (e.g., tattle-tape desensitizers), as well as by mechanical damage to the disk. A floppy disk should be put in a disk mailing box or other protective container before being put on a book truck or mailing shelf. The disk mailing boxes are kept at the back of Olin 110. These are temporary containers for mailing, and are returned to LTS by the unit libraries and departments. An accompanying disk that is sent with a book should be put into a disk mailing box and the box attached to the book with a rubber band.

      In general it is not a good idea to attach a barcode to a floppy disk, since it could cause the disk to get stuck in the disk drive. However, some unit libraries want the barcode attached directly to the disk. See the instructions for the individual unit libraries below. When in doubt, the barcode can always be attached to the permanent container for the disk. If a barcode is attached to a floppy disk, attach it in the label area. Write the call number on a peel-off self-adhesive label and attach it to the recessed label area of the disk (carefully, so as to not obscure essential publisher's information), or write the call number on the label with a felt-tip pen or soft pencil. Attach the call number label to the container.


      Special labels: Apply to all CD-ROMs/DVD-ROMs that are not sound recordings

      When cataloging computer disks as primary or accompanying material, affix a 'Warning of Copyright Restrictions' label somewhere on the bibliographic item. Examples of appropriate locations for this label are: on the computer disk container (either completely adhered or tipped in, being careful not to obscure text or graphics on the container itself), on a book pocket containing the disk, or on print material accompanying the disk. Use judgment in determining the best location for the label, but never apply the label to the computer disk itself.



      The treatment of computer disks that are part of a serial does not differ from the treatment of any other serial with the following exceptions:

      1. Unaccompanied disks: Provide scrap card with call number or annotate the flyer with the call number. Do not mark the call number on a cataloged disk.
      2. Unaccompanied CD-ROM/DVD-ROMs should be barcoded (with barcodes affixed to the jewel case).
      3. CD-ROM/DVD-ROMs that accompany print materials should not be barcoded.
      4. Place item (along with accompanying printout and flyer, if any) on the appropriate shelf in the Serials Receiving Unit.


      CD-ROM/DVD-ROMs with guides/inserts laid in jewel case

      CD-ROM/DVD-ROMs accompanied by bibliographically significant insert/guide laid in jewel case (described in subfield e of 300 field and/or a 500 note) should include the following holdings statements:

      • Holdings statement: 1 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM
      • Holdings statement for supplements: 1 guide [or insert] |z <laid in jewel case>


      Instructions for Individual Libraries

      A. Africana Library

      1. Location:
        Disk: afr
        Accompanying disk: Location given in a holdings public note. See below.
      2. Call number:
        Disk: LC type with qualifier "Disk" in the Call number prefix.
        Accompanying disk: Use book call number. Add "Disk" at bottom.
      3. Holdings note for accompanying disks:
        Holdings notes:  Request disc at Circulation Desk
      4. Barcoding: Barcode CD-ROM/DVD-ROM on the inside of the jewel case and create an item record.
        Do not barcode floppy disk.
        Do not include accompanying disk in "Pieces" count on item record for book.
        When there is accompanying material or when a disk accompanies a book, barcode each piece.
      5. Marking: CD-ROM/DVD-ROM: Write the call number and brief title on a scrap card or flyer, making sure that the FOLIO holdings ID number is indicated on flyer.
        Accompanying disk: Rubber-band disk (in jewel case or disk mailing box) to book and send to LTS Physical Processing or Conservation.

      B. Annex Library

      Any accompanying CDs destined for any Annex location will be stored separately and must have a separate container and item record.  Jewel cases are preferred.

      1. Location: [original loc],anx
      2. Call number:
        Follow instructions for original library location. Add "Disk" to enumeration in item record for disk.
      3. Barcoding:
        Barcode both the main piece and the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM jewel case and create individual item records.
      4. Marking:
        Pencil the call number for the disk on the location flyer or scrap card. Rubber-band disk (in jewel case) to book and send to LTS Physical Processing or Conservation.
      5. Physical Processing staff will mark jewel case with call number, tattle tape CD-ROM/DVD-ROM and write call number on the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM with indelible ink.

      C. Conservation

      1. Location: cons
      2. Call number:
        Disk: LC type with qualifier "Disk" in the Call number prefix.
        Accompanying disk: Label with book call number. Add "Disk" at bottom.
      3. Holdings notes for accompanying disks: none
      4. Barcoding: Barcode CD-ROM/DVD-ROM (jewel case) and create item record.
        Do not barcode floppy disk.
        Do include accompanying disk in "Pieces" count on item record for book.
      5. Marking: Attach self-adhesive label to floppy disk or CD-ROM/DVD-ROM jewel case.
      6. Mailing:
        Disk: Put disk (in jewel case or disk mailing box) on the "Rush" shelf in LTS Olin Physical Processing.
        Accompanying disk: Rubber-band disk (in jewel case or disk mailing box) to book and send to Physical Processing or Conservation.

      D. ILR Library (Includes hote and jgsm locations).

      1. Location:
        Disk: ilr [hote] [jgsm] <no sublocation>
        Unaccompanied disk: Holdings notes (public): Shelved at ILR circulation desk.
      2. Call number:
        Disk: LC type
      3. Accompanying material: It is preferred that accompanying CD-ROMs/DVD-ROMs are housed separately, at the Circulation Desk. (Whether CD-ROM/DVD-ROM accompanies book or book is guide to CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, the MFHD note for accompanying disks: 852 |z Accompanying CD-ROM shelved at ILR circulation desk.  Barcode the main piece and the case housing the accompanying CD-ROM(s) which will be shelved at the ILR circulation desk.   
        • Holdings statement: text
        • Holdings statement for supplements: 1 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM
        • Holdings statement: 1 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM
        • Holdings statement for supplements: 1 guide
      4. Holdings note for accompanying disks: Holdings notes (public): Accompanying CD-ROM shelved at ILR circulation desk.
      5. Barcoding: Barcode CD-ROM/DVD-ROM (jewel case). The item record for the disk should have Disk(s) in the enumeration field and piece count if applicable. Rubber band book and disk case together and send to Physical Processing. (Barcode 3 1/2" floppy disks in recessed label area on front of disk.)
      6. Physical Processing: LTS Olin Physical Processing marks book and CD-ROM/DVD-ROM case, tattle tapes book and CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, writes call number on the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM with indelible ink.

      E. Mann Library (includes items for the Ornithology Library)

      1. Location: mann, orni
      2. Call number:
        Disk: LC type with qualifier "|k Disk" before call number.
        Accompanying disk: Use book call number. Add "Disk" at bottom.
      3. Accompanying material: (whether CD-ROM/DVD-ROM accompanies book or book is guide to CD, the disk will be put into a pocket of the book when possible. Otherwise, barcode main piece and send materials to the attention of Mann processing staff)
        • Holdings statement: text
        • Holdings statement for supplements: 1 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM |z <in pocket of text>
        • Holdings statement: 1 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM |z <in pocket of guide> 
        • Holdings statement for supplements: 1 guide
        Barcoding: Barcode CD-ROM/DVD-ROM (do not use jewel case–use black plastic DVD case). 
        When CD-ROM/DVD-ROM is main piece, PLACE single barcode on upper right corner inside container  (do not use jewel case–use black plastic DVD case). 
        When there is accompanying material or when a disk accompanies a book, barcode main piece and include piece count
      4. Physical Processing: LTS Olin Physical Processing marks book, tattle tapes book and CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, writes call number on the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM with indelible ink, uses existing pocket if appropriate or applies new one when none IS provided or existing pocket is of questionable archival quality.

      F. Maps

      1. Location: maps
      2. Call number:
        Disk: LC type with qualifier "Disk" in the Call number prefix.
        Accompanying disk: Use book call number. Add "Disk" at bottom.
      3. Holdings notes for accompanying disks: none
      4. Barcoding: Barcode CD-ROM/DVD-ROM (jewel case) and create item record.
        Item type: nocirc
        Do not barcode floppy disk.
      5. Marking: Pencil the call number on the location flyer. Physical Processing staff will mark jewel case with call number, tattle tape CD-ROM/DVD-ROM and write call number the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM with indelible ink, then will send item to Maps Dept.

      G. Music Library

      The processing of CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs outlined below is solely the domain of the music cataloger. **Do not catalog. Do not process.** Please give these items to the Music cataloger in Olin.

      1. Location:
        Disk: CD-ROM/DVD-ROM: mus,av (Call Music Library staff for accesion number)
        Floppy disk: mus,pres
        Accompanying disk: Disk and book are in different locations, each with its own holdings record.
      2. Call number:
        CD-ROM/DVD-ROM: Accession number (example: |b mus,av |h CD-ROM 1)
        Floppy disk: Accession number (example: |b mus,av |h Disk 1)
        (Call Music Library to get accession number)
        Pencil under call number in book: Accompanying CD-ROM/DVD-ROM available in Sound Recordings under CD-ROM/DVD-ROM 1
      3. Holdings notes for accompanying disks:
        Holdings for disk: Holdings notes (public): Accompanying text in stacks
        Holdings for book with floppy: Holdings notes (public): Accompanying disc stored in Reserve
        Holdings for book with CD: Holdings notes (public): Accompanying disc stored in Sound
      4. Barcoding: Do not barcode disks.
      5. Marking: Do not label disks. Include card with call number and Voyager bib ID number.
      6. Mailing: Send disk and card to LTS Olin Physical Processing. Put floppy disk in a CD mailing box.

      H. Olin Library

      I. Olin Reference

      Any unaccompanied CD-ROM/DVD-ROM will be housed in the Electronic Text Center.
      Any CD-ROM/DVD-ROM accompanied by a guide or supplementary print material will also be housed in the Electronic Text Center.

      Location: olin,ref

      When CD-ROM/DVD-ROM is primary or unaccompanied:

      1. Call number:
        Disk: LC type with qualifier "Disk" in the Call number prefix.
      2. Holdings notes:
        Holdings notes (public): Available in Electronic Text Center
        Holdings statement for supplements: 1 guide (when appropriate)
      3. Barcoding: Barcode CD-ROM/DVD-ROM (jewel case), create item record, and set Item Type to "nocirc". If accompanied by a guide or supplementary print materials, barcode that separately, create item record and set Item Type to "nocirc".
      4. Marking:
        CD-ROM/DVD-ROM: Write the call number on a scrap card or flyer, making sure that the FOLIO holdings ID number is indicated on flyer or scrap card.
        Permanent label will be created by Physical Processing.
        Floppy disk: Attach self-adhesive label to disk.
        Physical Processing marks jewel case (and guide) with call number, tattle tapes CD-ROM/DVD-ROM and writes call number on CD-ROM/DVD-ROM with indelible ink.
      5. Mailing: Put disk (in jewel case or disk mailing box) and guide, when appropriate, on "Rush" truck in Physical Processing. Rubber band pieces together.

      When print is primary, item(s) will be shelved on reference shelves

      Accompanying CD-ROM/DVD-ROMs: If the content of the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM supplements the content of the print item, rather than simply reproducing the print content, process both parts for Reference. In that case, the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM will be housed in pocket of text. If the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM reproduces the content of the print item, catalog the print for olin,ref and the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM for olin. When in doubt about the nature of the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM's contents, consult the Reference Dept. selector.

      1. Call number:
        LC type with no qualifying "Disk" or "Guide" on any pieces
      2. MFHD notes:
        When the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM reproduces the content of the print, create 2 Holdings records:
        First Holdings:
        Location: olin,ref
        Holdings statement: text
        Holdings statement for supplements: 1 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM |z<Ask at Circulation Desk>
        Second Holdings:
        Location: olin

        When the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM supplements the content of the print

        Location: olin,ref
        Holdings statement: text
        Holdings statement for supplements: 1 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM <In pocket of text>

        Note: In some cases, an individual selector may elect to have the accompanying CD-ROM/DVD-ROM cataloged for the Electronic Text Center rather than being housed in the text pocket. In that case, the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM would be handled as above. Selectors should have noted the ETC location on the flyer.

      3. Barcoding:
        When the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM reproduces the content of the print, create item records for both pieces (Barcode jewel case of CD-ROM/DVD-ROM)
        When the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM supplements the content of the print, create one item record and record pieces count
      4. Marking:
        Physical Processing marks and tattle tapes all pieces, and writes call number on CD with indelible ink.
      5. Mailing: In most cases, the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM will be put in a pocket of the print volume. If it is necessary to send CD-ROM/DVD-ROM(s) in a separate container, keep pieces together.

      J. Math Library

      1. Location:
        Disk: math <no sublocations>
        Accompanying disk: Location given in a holdings public note.
      2. Call number:
        Disk: LC type with qualifier "Disk" in the Call number prefix.
        Accompanying disk: Use book call number. Add "Disk" at bottom.
      3. Holdings notes for all disks:
        Holdings notes (public):  Request disc at Circulation Desk.
      4. Barcoding: Barcode CD-ROM/DVD-ROM (jewel case) if supplied by publisher. Otherwise send to library in disk mailing box and they will supply jewel case with barcode. Do not barcode floppy disk. Do not include accompanying disk in "Pieces" count on item record for book. Math library will supply and barcode permanent containers for floppy disks.
      5. Marking: Attach self-adhesive label to floppy disk or CD-ROM/DVD-ROM jewel case.
      6. Mailing: Put disk (in jewel case or disk mailing box) on the departmental shelf. Do not send accompanying disk with book to Physical Processing or Conservation.

      K. Uris Library

      L. Uris Reference
      This section describes the process for handling accompanying CD-ROM/DVD-ROMs only. No unaccompanied CD-ROM/DVD-ROMs will be selected for Uris Reference.

      1. Location: uris,ref
      2. Call number:
        LC type with no qualifying "Disk" or "Guide" on any pieces
      3. Holdings note for accompanying disks:
        Location: uris,ref
        Holdings statement: text
        Holdings statement for supplements: 1 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM
      4. Barcoding: Create one item record and record pieces count. Set Item Type to "nocirc".
      5. Marking: Physical Processing staff marks and tattle tapes all pieces, and writes call number on CD-ROM/DVD-ROM with indelible ink.
      6. Mailing:
        Should the disk not arrive already housed in the print volume, put disk in protective envelope on "Rush" shelf in Physical Processing. Keep pieces together.

      M. Veterinary Library

      1. Location:
        Disk in the Call number prefix  (Vet Lib staff will handle |z)
      2. Call number:
        Disk: LC type
        Accompanying disk: Use book call number. Add "Disk" at end of call number.
      3. Barcoding: Barcode CD-ROM/DVD-ROM (jewel case). Barcode 3 1/2" floppy disks in recessed
        label area on front of disk.

        Accompanying material: When there is accompanying material or when a disk accompanies a book, barcode main piece and change piece count accordingly. Vet staff will handle how to house additional pieces and create |z notes in Voyager to accommodate their decision.

      4. Marking: Attach self-adhesive label to CD-ROM/DVD-ROM (jewel case) or floppy disk.
      5. End processing:
        Disk:  Cataloger sends item to Physical Processing staff who mark and tattle tape all pieces, and write call number on CD-ROM/DVD-ROM with indelible ink.

        Accompanying disk: Rubber band disk to book and send to Physical Processing or Conservation.