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  • BookOps is shared technical services between NYPL & Brooklyn PL, with focus on circulating material
  • Expect annual savings of $3M - $3.5M that NYPL will devote to other strategic initiatives; total budget was $14.3M / year
  • Process approximately 2M items / year
  • Hired Booz-Allen as planning consultant (not a library consultant)
  • NYPL was already very efficient and had excess capacity
  • Went live on May 6th: BPL staff moved to LSC; most staff already knew each other from one context or another
  • Hired a project manager to implement plan (a one-year temp; hired someone w/ experience in military logistics); he was so good they hired him to do logistics for LSC
  • Like RECAP, named one of the partners as the single host (NYPL)
  • Staff involved pre-implementation
  • Morphed from steering committee to planning committee to implementation committee
  • So far, focus is on co-location (they're they’re in one place), not co-engineering (standardization); no mandated timeline on co-engineering – need funding (e.g. for shared LMS)
  • Impressive sorting machine that reads barcodes on completely processed material and distributes by library & call number range; used for branch material (not "research" “research” material) only
  • Did pay some attention to minimizing impact on staff identity
  • Needed to negotiate with two unions to allow for cross-institutional reporting
  • BPL staff "became “became employees of NYPL"NYPL”
  • NYPL and BPL IT have been working together to provide support; DBM at LSC does record loading and some scripting
  • Queens PL was part of original plan, but opted out and decided simply to implement additional best practices
  • NYPL has 90 branches and BPL has 60 branches, and they sometimes order multiple copies for some branches
  • Wiki Markup\[Some gains specific to co-location and public library issues and workflows\]
  • Will send us electronic versions of PPT and handouts
  • Stressed importance for them of implementing a shared LMS; also, pay attention to effects on staff
  • Discovered that support systems need to work together (accounting, HR, etc.); assumptions were that legal and financial issues would be easier to address than they were


  • Rob Davis has been doing CD for both institutions; also doing reference and meeting w/ faculty at both places; has been traveling to Cornell quarterly; Slavic studies at Cornell have been pleased with arrangement after some initial skepticism; strategy has been to broaden the collection with savings generated; impact on TS has resulted in an additional 0.50 FTE needed to handle increase in acquisitions
  • Sean Knowlton doing selection and reference for Iberian and Latin American for both institutions; working w/ approval vendor in Colombia to do joint APPR for both institutions; if that works out, will try to extend this kind of approach to Brazil and Argentina; issue of where Cornell will get money for vendor records that are available from these vendors
  • Exploring possibility of Columbia input regarding Southeast Asia collection at Cornell and maybe reference services for SEA
  • Looking forward, have identified four more areas of potential collaboration: linguistics, women's women’s studies, English & American literature, Middle Eastern studies
  • Would like to develop 2CUL cooperative collaboration document after the Stanford / Berkeley model
  • Got 2CUL deal on e-book collections from Oxford University Press
  • Hoping to develop a collaborative way to look at trial subscriptions and managing feedback and decisions with a wiki; could possibly just open up the Cornell trials wiki; this is an area where TS will need to be involved; Jeff and Kizer will keep Bill Kara and Joyce McDonough in the loop; good place to start would be with NERL offers
  • Exploring possibility of Cornell joining MARLI (Manhattan Area Research Library Initiative) - having a Cornell representative join the meetings?
  • Looking at Eastview collection of ebooks as a 2CUL / MARLI purchase
  • From Borrow Direct "Summit“Summit," idea of working with Harrassowitz to provide comprehensive collection building across BD libraries
  • Kate: is there a wiki for 2CUL Collection Development?  Not yet, but Jeff and Kizer will look into this
  • Work on allowing access to Cornell's and Columia's approval plan inventories in order to compare collections strenghts
  • Columbia and Cornell may want to jointly work on selectors guidlines and training
  • Columbia will be looking at Cornell's selector's statments model in VIVO. 


  • Issues for Bob and Xin: growing awareness of need for 2CUL governance structure and good communication among different library divisions engaged in 2CUL; need to involve divisions that aren't "integrating" aren’t “integrating” into the discussions early; working groups eager to explore options that go beyond their charges, especially in regard to new systems and software (e.g. e-resources folks looking at Callisto)
  • Rob and Dean have been asked to develop an identity management plan for TSI access issues