Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




  • Navigation patterns that are repeated on web pages MUST be presented in the same relative order each time they appear and MUST NOT change order when navigating through the site.must be consistent in presentation order across website
  • Skip link must be visible on keyboard focus (or at all times).
  • Reading order must be logical.
  • Navigation order of focusable elements must be logical.


  • Links and buttons should semantically reflect their functions. Example: Use <a href="..."> for links and <button> for buttons.
  • Link text should clearly state its purpose.
  • Link text shouldn't use the word "Link." Example: Say "More information on gummy bears." not "Link to more information on gummy bears."
  • Indicate that a link will open in a new window. Example: add a new-window icon next to links that open in a new window
  • Links to files or non-web destinations should tell users what kind of files they are. Example: add "PDF" next to links to PDFs
  • Enhance focus indicator on focusable elements. Example: instead of the default browser focus, add a colorful, thicker border with a change in background when elements receive focus


  • must have a descriptive title Example: <iframe title="Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer"> and be unique in relation to other iFrames on the page
  • for iframes bringing in other web pages, the external page must have a <title>


  • Hidden frames should also be hidden from assistive technologies using aria-hidden="true".

Other (content)


  • Critical Important strikethrough text MUST must be supplemented with a text-based method to convey the meaning of the strikethrough.Critical text
  • designated for insertion MUST Important insertion text must be supplemented with a text-based method to convey the meaning of the insertion.

Non-required / best practice

  • <blockquote> should be used for long (block level) quotations. It shouldn't be used for visual styling alone (non-quotes).
  • Code should be marked with the <code> element and styled to look different from non-code text. Blocks of code should use the <pre> element for formatting.
  • Strikethrough text should use the <del> element.
  • Insertion text should use the <ins> element.
  • Highlighted text should use the <mark> element.
  • Important highlighted text should have a text-based way of conveying the importance of the text.