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Scope:  This document outlines the processes that the LTS staff Olin follow when handling materials that have been designated as rare, or are treated as special items for Kroch Asia collections and unit libraries. Rare materials designated for the CUL Rare and Manuscript Division are ordered, received and cataloged in that division. Their policy on transfer of materials to the general collection is available at See also LTS Rare & Manuscript Collections Procedures. 

Contact:   Lisa Maybury, Pam Stansbury

Unit: Library Technical Services

Date reviewedupdated: 10/0512/1823

Date of next review:  October 2019 2024


Asia Collections    
     New Monograph Acquisitions
     New Serials Acquisitions
     Transfers from CUL Collections or Libraries
     Further Processing
ILR Library
     Closed Storage
     Rare Pamphlets
Mann Library Special Collections (includes items for Ornithology Library)
Veterinary Library


AnchorAAA. Asia Collections

"ech,rare/ech,ranx", "sasa,rare/sasa,ranx", "was,rare", "ech,ranx", "sasa,ranx", and "/was,ranx"

  1. New Monograph Acquisitions

      Asia curators determine titles for inclusion in Asia Rare. Regardless of where these titles were received and regardless of language or format, the processing of the books starts in Acquisitions Services. Throughout the routing process, these books should not be left with unauthorized staff. If the designated supervisor is not available, give the book(s) to his/her immediate supervisor. These books are never backlogged. They are cataloged before other Asia materials. They are not written in, stamped, plated, or tattle-taped, and they will not have call number labels. Their call numbers are written on the routing flyers. There are two separate processing streams:
    • Books that need to be paid for: They are mailed/given to the supervisor of the Monographs Receiving Unit. The books are received and paid for in VoyagerFOLIO.
    • Books that do not need to be paid for: They are given to the supervisor of the Inputting Unit for record creation.
    After either process, a flyer is inserted in each book indicating that it is destined for Asia Rare or Asia Rare Annex.  Note: Asia Rare items being housed at the Annex need a $k sub-location to be added to the "Call number prefix" of "Asia Rare". Acquisitions staff should deliver Asia rare items to the Catalog Dept. administrative supervisor for distribution to the appropriate cataloging staff. After cataloging, the cataloger should deliver Rare items to the Database Quality Specialist who will deliver the items to Rare Collections RMC staff.
  2. New Serials Acquisitions
      Subscription Unit staff check in the issue, and mail it unmarked, unstamped, and unlabeled to RMC without separating Asia titles from other Rare titles.
  3. Transfers from CUL Collections or Libraries  
    • Transfers identified by Asia Collections staff are given directly to the Database Quality Specialist by Asia Collections staff.
    • Transferred books are flyered for Asia Rare/Asia Rare Annex and relabeled by Database Quality staff for Asia Rare/Asia Rare Annex so they do not run the risk of being reshelved in their original collections. Asia Collections staff pick them up from the Database Quality Specialist on notification that they are readywill deliver the items to RMC staff. 
  4. Further Processing   Before sending certain books for cataloging, or transfer to, Asia Rare/Asia Rare Annex or after processing, Asia Collections staff may decide that the materials need further processing.
    • Binding/boxing/repairing: Asia Collections staff negotiate directly with Preservation and Conservation staff for the work needed and for the shipping and return of the books to the Asia Collections.
    • Barcoding/plating/counting/preparation of acid-free call number slips: Asia Collections staff complete these processes according to instructions from the appropriate curator.


  1. Closed Storage:   Includes the following materials: Imprints prior to 1994, Dissertations, and Items over 35 cm. in height
    • Items should have a blue "Closed Storage" flyer
    • Barcoding: Barcode as other ILR stacks items are barcoded
    • Item status: Circulation review (selected from graph icon in Voyager item record screen) Circulating
    • Holdings location, "Permanent": Location: |b ilr
    • Call number type: LC type Library of Congress classification
    • Add a holdings note; Note type: "Note" "MFHD note: |z Located in Closed Storage. Ask at Circulation Desk"

Image Added

  1. Rare:   Includes materials that are either transferred from the open stacks or were purchased, donated or traded. If the item was published before 1945 and was not designated for Rare, or is in delicate condition, double-check with ILR selector.
    • Items should be flagged with the white "Kheel Rare" processing slip. These slips are on archival bond paper and will stay with the item in the Rare stacks
    • Accession number: To be assigned by ILR Kheel Center staff
    • Barcoding: Place barcode on processing slip vertically so that the "Cornell University Library" print is on the left left-hand side in the middle of the slip
      Item status: nocirc
    • Holdings location, "Permanent":Location: |b ilr,rare
    • Call number type: LC type Library of Congress classification (Do not write call number inside item; pencil on location flyer)
    • Catalogers should hand-deliver rare items to Olin Physical Processing supervisor
    • Physical Processing:
      • Items should not be plated or tattle-taped
      • Call number labels will be affixed to Rare processing slip
  2. Rare Pamphlets:   Includes materials that are pamphlets and purchased for the collections. If the item is a pamphlet and was published before 1945 and was not designated for Rare, or is in delicate condition, double-check with ILR selector. Pamphlets which are not purchased and are part of archival accessions are typically handled by archival manuscript and processing staff and the Kheel Center manuscript cataloger. They will receive brief Voyager FOLIO records but will not be marked or barcoded since they do not circulate and are filed in boxes rather than shelved.


    • Items should be flagged with the white "Kheel Rare" processing slip. These slips are on archival bond paper and will stay with the item in the Rare stacks
    • Barcoding: Place barcode on processing slip vertically so that the "Cornell University Library" print is on the left left-hand side in the middle of the slip
    • Item status: nocirc Non-circulating 
    • Holdings location, "Permanent": Location: |b ilr,lmdc |k Rare Pamphlets; add Pamphlets in the "Call number prefix"
    • Call number type: Collection level number (assigned by ILR Kheel Center staff)
    • Do not write call number inside item; pencil on location flyer
    • Catalogers should hand-deliver rare items to Olin Physical Processing supervisor
    • Physical Processing:
      • Items should not be plated or tattle-taped      
      • Call number labels will be affixed to Rare processing slip


Items for Special Collections are kept under "protective custody" and do not circulate.

 Holdings location, "Permanent":Mann Special Collections (mnsc) 

  • Add Call number prefix  "Fuertes collection"
  • Add Call number prefix "Sargent collection"
  • Add Call number suffix "Phillips Beekeeping Collection"Location:
    orni $k fuertes collection
    orni $k sargent collection

  • Acquisitions staff will deliver books to cataloger for cataloging.
  • Cataloger will create item record for book but not affix barcode in the book. Place barcode on acid free 1" x 5" card board slip and insert slip in book.
    Item status: nocirc Non-circulating
  • Pencil call number very lightly on verso of title page and also on acid free 1" x 5" slip and insert in book
  • Catalogers should hand-deliver rare items to appropriate Physical Processing staff
  • Physical Processing:
    • Do not tattle-tape
    • Staff at Mann Library will be responsible for bookplates
    • Do not affix spine label to book
  • If shipping between libraries is required, item should be sent in original container or packing material


  • Retain container or packing material so that item may be returned to VET in same container or packing materials.
  • LocationHoldings location, "Permanent": vet,rare
  • Create item record for book but do not affix barcode in the book. Place barcode on acid free 1" x 5" slip and insert slip in book.
  • Item status: nocirc Non-circulating
  • Pencil call number very lightly on verso of title page and also on acid free 1" x 5" slip and insert in book
  • Catalogers should hand-deliver rare items to Olin Physical Processing supervisor
  • Physical Processing:Do not tattle-tape
    • Staff at Veterinary Library will be responsible for bookplates
    • Do not affix spine label to book
  • Return item in original container or packing material
